Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday 29 August 2010

Well, today we have a rest day and I think we have earned it. I know I need it. We have an optional sea cruise on the Mediterranean Sea or do our own thing. Most of the people wanted to do the cruise.
We left the hotel at 10 after a leisurely few hours.
Arrived down at the boat and boarded. We went upstairs and some people stayed down below. It was a beautiful morning and it was starting to get hot already.
We saw lots of people swimming along the way, the water was so clear and very blue. Saw waterfalls and other boats sailing around. There were also para sailing going on, about 5 were out there behind speed boats. What a way to go.
We stopped to have our swim. They put out the ladder and we jumped in. The water was absolutely beautiful and so blue. It was warm in some parts and cooler in others. They threw us some donuts to float with. It was just wonderful. Now we can say we have swam in the Mediterranean Sea. After about an hour we had to get back on the boat. I think most of us who were swimming could have stayed longer. Darghan (Tour Guide) sprayed some of us with a water hose to get the salt off. Then he told us we could shower down below. I don't think too many showered as the hot sun soon had us dry.
We came back (much to our disappointment) and one of the passengers from the other Insight Tour group (who was with us) had a bout of diarrhoea the past 2 days and collapsed in the sun. Helen, being the good Nursing Sister she is, looked after him until we got back to land. His wife was with him and they left straight away to head back to the hotel by taxi.
We were told that we had to be on the bus by 2 unless we wanted to go sightseeing on our own.
We did some shopping in the bazaar on our way back to the bus and arrived in time for 2pm back to the hotel.
It was so hot. Nearly 38 degrees.
We had some 'cold' drinks with Wally and Helen then they went to see the museum and Sandy and me went down to have a swim in the hotel pool. There were a lot of people swimming and we stayed for about an hour.
It is now 5.15 so we are going to get organised to have our tea. Maybe we will have another swim after tea or might go shopping to the Mall which is about 2 klms away.
Hope it is cooler later in the evening but I doubt it.
Tomorrow is another day and more sightseeing and a long bus trip.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday 28 August 2010

Bags out, had breakfast and it very hot and just 8.30am.
A few people on the bus have upset tummies and feel "off".We are on our way to Antalya.
We crossed over the Taurus Mountains, the highest peak being 1825 metres high. They were dotted with Cedar and Cyprus pines.
Stopped for lunch about 11.30 and we had Turkish Pancakes, freshly made by 2 'old' ladies and they were just wonderful. We thought 1 would be shared by 2 but we ended up eating 1 each. You could have cheese and spinach or cheese, spinach and meat. The pastry when rolled was so thin you could almost see through it. One lady made the pastry and the other filled and cooked it. On the bus again to Aspendos. It is very hot, just on 36 degrees.
We saw the Roman Theatre which was so well preserved. Helen and I walked to the top and Sandy and Wally walked all around the top. It was magnificent.
The temperature at 3pm is 41 degrees C or in the old reading 111 degrees F. It is so hot.
We then went through the extensive ruins of Perge. They are starting to re-construct the remains. It is a very beautiful place and must have been huge. If you walk to the top you an see the city of Perge. I only walked 3/4 way (a lot of others did too) but some walked to the top. You can still see the chariot ruts in stone. It was too hot to continue walking for me. It is now 42 degrees.
We walked back to the little cafe where we had a welcome 'cold' beer before getting back on the bus.
We are now on our way to our hotel, Sheraton, which is on the Mediterranean Sea, in Antayla.

We stopped to buy some beer and cleaned him out, he must have thought all his christmases had come at once.
We have a room overlooking the ocean (which all on our bus have) and, thank goodness it has air conditioning. Sandy went for a swim in the hotel pool. He said the water was very warm but enjoyable. We went down for dinner and came back to have a beer in our room with Wally & Helen.
Tomorrow is a free day. A cruise has been arranged so we can have a swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Looking forward to this.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday 27 August 2010

The dancing last night was great. They had the traditional dancing, belly dancing and the crowd dancing. Wally was selected to participate and Dan (Canada) was also picked to do belly dancing. He was really good.

The sun is shining today and it is going to be hot. Just 7am, bags are out, had our breakfast and on the bus for 9am.
Got our group photo before we left. Not too bad but I had another taken (at random) and it was a shocker. We bought it anyway. The photo's were 5 lire each.
On the bus. We were further up the back of the bus today. We are on our way to Konya.
Stopped at Zelve Valley for a picture stop.
We stopped at a pottery factory called Vanessa Seramik. It is a family business and was just wonderful. We saw a demonstration of the making of a teapot. Went into another room to watch the daughters/nieces/uncles/cousins etc painting the pottery. Was told about the firing of the pottery once painted. Then we were let loose to buy whatever.
Back on the bus for a 1-1/2 hours to Aksaray. Stopped for lunch on the way. It was a very large roadside cafe and very nice. After lunch we were on our way to Sultanhani (45 minutes away).
It was so cold up the back of the bus. In the end, Dan said we could block off the air by putting the diffusers back in. Did so and made a huge difference.
Passed a Mercedes factory which is the largest in Europe. Saw petrol at over 3TL/l. very expensive compared to what we pay.
We arrived at Sultahani Kervansari which is only a shell of what was there.It was a refuge for the camel trains and was a substantial building.
We arrived in Konya about 3.45pm. Approximately 1 million people live here. We went to Mevlana Museum where we were not allowed to take photos of video of the insides. It was quite impressive. We could leave our shoes on but we had to put plastic shoes over the top. Now we know what Drs in the operating room feel like. We saw the beautiful fluted turquoise dome and also saw models in the kitchen of dervishes.
Back on the bus at 5.
It is so hot here now. Above 35 degrees.
On the bus and on our way to our hotel for the night. We passed the Ince Minaret on our way but didn't get out of the bus. Just took photos from the bus.
We arrived at the Dedeman Hotel. It is far superior to the Dedeman we stayed for the last 2 nights.
Konya is Turkey's most religious city. It was once the home of the mystic sect of Whirling Derviches and the old capital of the Anatolian Seljuk Empire.
Took our laundry over to the Mall where there is a laundry. The poor girl didn't know what hit her. She was Muslim and didn't speak much (if any) English. There were only 4 of us having our washing and drying done. She agreed in the end and we can pick it up at 9.30pm.
Came back and had our tea and Helen and me went over to the Mall (which was across the road) to do some shopping (without Wally & Sandy). Guess what? The shops had closed all except the supermarket as everybody had gone home to have their tea as they are fasting for Ramadan. Wouldn't you know it!!!!!
Ended up coming back to the hotel and just waiting now until we can go back across to pick the washing up at 9.30.
Will close today and write more tomorrow.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday 26 August 2010

We left this morning at 8.15 for our trip to the open air museum at Goreme. It was already warm and hot. Saw where people used to go when the enemy came. They had their homes in caves in the rocks. We saw their church, Dining room, kitchen etc. It was very small and you had to stoop along the way.
Bought some postcards there. They were 13 for 1 Turkish lire. Helen & Brian went halves with me.
We then went on to see the open air museum. The frescoes on the roof and sides were incredible. They have been there for 1000's of years. All the frescoes are very religious. These people have a religion which is similar to our but these are Muslims.
Onto a carpet factory. The carpets are simply beautiful. We saw 5 girls making the carpets, from wool carpet to silk carpet. These 'girls' were so fast at this. Then we went into another room and they spread out heaps of carpets. The 'boss' told us how each was made with how many knots etc. They come in all sizes and all prices. They weren't cheap. I think there were only 4 sold. Once you have paid for them they deliver to your home anywhere in the world and they pay GST, delivery, customs, etc. We had lunch there consisting of Turkish pizzas and a drink.
It is now 31 degrees. We are now on our way to the underground city. 25 minutes away. We walked down to level 8. Some of it was very narrow and very slippery. Level 1 was OK, Level 2 was getting steep and you could return after this level and after Level 3 there was no return. It was good but I don't know how they lived like this.
Then it was 34 degrees at 3.15pm.
Then we went to Zelve Valley. We saw rocks with 'necks' and 'heads'. When the neck finally gets narrow, the head falls off. They were everywhere. You could climb to the top of the valley and view all around. Helen and me and quite a few others didn't do this but we walked around and found lots of caves that had been used.
Back on the bus for 3.30 and back to the hotel. We have until 7 to relax.
Having tea anytime after 7 then we are going to a colourful folklore show in an underground cave consisting of belly dancing, original Turkish dancing and dances from different regions.
Will tell you in tomorrow's blog how this was.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday 25th August 2010

Wake up call at 7; bags out by 7.45; breakfast from 7 and on the bus by 8.45. It is 26 degrees today.
Found out today the bus driver's new baby is due in 39 days time. He is very excited.
We had a good sleep even though they started chanting about 4.30 this morning, only during Ramadam. Once you know what the noise is you just go back to sleep.
Got to visit Anit Kabir, the mausoleum of Ataturk, Turkey's greatest leader in modern times. He was held in great esteem. Also went through the Museum of Independence. It was quite impressive. It is very hot now. Nearly 34 degrees.
We left at 10.30 and drove to the Anadolu Museum. There is so much history in this country. They have their heroes and they worship them even though they have been dead for 100's of years.
We left at 12 for Caccadocia. After 2 hours we stopped for lunch. Just had an ice cream as we had fruit and boiled egg (which we got from breakfast) on the way.
A truck passed us at great speed then other cars followed him and we found out that he had no brakes. We were on the expressway and he weaved his way through traffic until he finally came to rest and when we passed him, his truck was starting to smoke from the engine and into his cabin. I would say he was a very lucky man. Thank God no-one was hurt.
It is now 35 degrees. At 3pm we went onto Hacibektas Veli Museum. I didn't go in as there were tombs (which were empty) and I found a nice spot in the shade with a cool breeze blowing so stayed there.
Back on the bus and onto our hotel in Cappadocia, about 3/4 hour drive. We are staying at the Dedeman Hotel tonight.
We went to see the ceremony of the Whirling Derviches tonight. There were 5 men twirling and they were brilliant. It is a proper ceremony and not a show. Only lasted for 50 minutes and you aren't allowed to take photos during this or clap, not even when it is finished. After this they serve tea which has cinnamon and ginger.
Came on back to the hotel for our buffet tea. Came to the room and we have an early start tomorrow.

Tuesday 24th August 2010

Well, we left this morning at 8.30 after a buffet breakfast. I/we slept like we had never seen a bed before. We just crashed well and truly.
It is 25degrees this morning. We drove for 1/2 hour to the glorious Cumalikizik village. It was about 700 years old. The houses were approximately 120 years old and you had to walk around a cobble stone walk way to get any where.
It was a very old village and had the narrowist walk way. There was hardly any room for a car let alone a walk.
We left there about 10.15 and it was getting hot. Just 28degrees.
Onto lunch at a shopping mall 1-1/4 hours away at Eskisehir. We only had a light lunch as we had nibbled on the way.
Back onto the bus at 1pm for our trip to Gordion, a 2 hour drive away. At Gordion, this is where Alexander the Great cut the famous Gordion Knot. It was a very interesting place.
Also saw "King Midas" mound - carbon dating had resulted in a body older than King Midas and they suspect the mound to be the burial place of his father. When they unearthed King Midas, they sent his bones for testing. Apparently, the story goes that the bones got lost and they only had a head.
There were lots of other mounds but not real. They were made to disguise the real one. We went through to see where he was originally laid to rest.
We went through the museum. It was quite impressive. The 1st squat toilets we have seen. Needless to say I didn't use them.
Back on the bus at 4pm and onto Ankara 30 miles away.
We were given an optional for the Whirling Dervichers. We said we would go. Per person it was $35US; $55 Turkish Lire or $28 Euro. It started at 6.30 or 9.30. Daghan said we would go to the 6.30 session which would only last for 50 minutes.
It was getting warmer, 33degrees.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey over Istanbul. There are approx. 7 million people who live here.
We arrived at our hotel, Hilton at Ankara. Our bus driver is just brilliant. How he gets the bus into tight places is unbelievable. He is worth every bit of recognition.
It was such a long day on the bus. We went to find the shopping mall before tea but walked and not to be found. We end up getting 4 beers and having them in our room before tea with Wally & Helen. Went down for tea and the Puerto Rico basketballers were in the hotel having their tea also. They were so very tall.
Had our tea and went to bed as we were very tired.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday 23rd August 2010

It is sunny today and 28 degrees. We left at 8.30am after having our bags at our door by 6.30 and breakfast at 7.30.
We drove to the waterfront and boarded a cruise ship for a tour along the Bosphorus past Ottoman Palaces old fortresses and mansions.
The houses were just beautiful. Very meditteranean looking but well kept. We saw the President's "house". He was in as his flag was flying. It was such a lovely cruise. We left the cruise ship about 11.30 and came onto the expressway.
The expressways over here are wonderful. Much better than ours. We stopped for lunch at Yalova, about 80kms from Bursa. Istanbul is divided into 2. One side is in Europe and the other is Asia. You can tell the difference as the houses in Turkey are grand and the ones in Asia (on the other side of the road) are run down and neglected. We were on our way back to Bursa.
Han gave us all a blue eye with a bell attached. It was supposed to resemble good luck. It is also called the "eveil eye".
Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, 2nd is Ankara and Ismet is 3rd.
Had lunch at a large supermarket and got some Turkish Delight.
It is really hot here now. We then drove 1-1/4 hours to see the ruins of St. Sophia. It is a beautiful old church that is not used any more. It was built in the 7th century. We left there at 2.40 and drove back to Bursa.
We went into the Grand Mosque where ladies had to cover their heads and we also had to take our shoes off. They were just about to start their 4.45pm prayers so we had to be out by then. The men pray to Mecca on one side and the women pray on the other side of the Mosque. It was just so beautiful and old. We went to the silk markets in Bursa where I purchased some silk scarves.
We then got back on the bus for a short trip to the Green Mosque. We had to do the same here, cover our heads and remove our shoes. They call it the Green Mosque because of the green tiles indside and green was the prophet mohammeds favorite colour. Came on to our hotel. Kervensary Thermal Hotel in Bursa. We arrived about 6.15, got our rooms, had a shower and were in the Restaurant for tea by 7.30.
It was a smorgasboard and it was great. You could have what we wanted.
We have another busy day tomorrow, and as it is now 10pm I will close and write more, hopefully tomorrow.
I haven't written before as the hotel had an internet but was quite expensive. This one tonight has internet and it is free. Needless to say.........

Sunday 22nd August 2010

Our plane to Istanbul left at 11.20am or 5.20 our time. We were due to arrive in Istanbul at 2.30pm or 9.30pm our time. It was 3018 klms or 1874 miles at 15.10 their time. Had the choice Parsley & Mustard Roast Chicken with vegetables or Lamb Machbous with Rice, Triple Chocolate Surprise, tea or coffee and our usual drinks. Another long flight and we finally touched down at 2.40. We were just exhausted when we touched down. We were picked up by the courtesy bus and taken to our hotel. By the time we got to our hotel (Conrad Hotel) we had had enough. The room was beautiful and the bed was huge.
Wally, Helen, Sandy and me had a beer in the Restaurant while waiting for our briefing to start at 6.30pm.
Met our Tour Guide Daghan (who said we could call him Han) and some of the people on our tour. The others weren't due to arrive until later in the night.
We then went back to the Restaurant and just had hamburgers for tea and we all went to bed, so tired.

Saturday 21st August 2010

Well, we are finally on our way. We went to vote this morning then we went to see Sandy’s Mum. Came home and packed my bag. Only half full (or empty) which ever way you want to interpret it.
The limousine came and picked us up at 2.15pm. Laura (Helen’s daughter) came in her car as Jacinta and James (Wally & Helen’s Grandchildren) and Jessica (a friend of Jacinta’s) were in the limo with Wally & Helen. Laura took them back home to Figtree.
We had our bottle on the way & the 2 men had their beers. We got to the airport at 3.30pm. Checked our bags in and got our seats. We had coffee at Jazz at the airport then wandered around to gate 60 for our flight.
The plane was packed. Not a spare seat to be had. We have 4 seats in the middle (well sort off, we had DEF and H ) there was another man in seat G and after a bit of sweet talk he swapped seats with Sandy and we settled in for the flight. There are not many seats behind us. Sandy & Wally have the aisle seats and Helen & me are in the middle. We have 7522kms to Bangkok. It should take about 8.48 hours.
We are now on our way to fly over Katherine. At the moment we have 5.48 hours to Bangkok and 5239kms.
It is now 10pm and we are due in Bangkok at 1am. I don’t think we will sleep much on this flight but I’m sure we will on the next leg to Dubai.
It is such a long flight. We had our tea which was either a choice of Lamb Hotpot with vegetables or Pappardelle Pasta with sautéed mushrooms, Banana Cake, Cheese & Biscuits & tea or coffee (and of course our drinks).
We then settled down for the night, or tried to. It is very hard to sleep on a plane. I think we had about ¾ hour in all. We arrived in Bangkok but we didn’t get off the plane. It was raining and we only had an hour to kill. By the time we had got off (with all our personal belongings) we would have had to go back through and get on the plane again.
You always meet someone no matter where you go. While we were waiting for the plane to take off again, Sandy went for a short walk in the plane and he met Claire Elliott who I used to work with at QBE. Claire was going home to Manchester for 2 weeks to see her parents. Her partner Brad was not with. I ended up going to see her then. She was well but tired like us.
We sat in the same seats again. Some passengers got off and new ones came on board.
It was another long flight. We tried to sleep again but to no avail.
When we got to Dubai, the airport was very busy. We walked around and had a look at things as we had 5 hours to wait until we got our plane again. Ended up having something to eat and then sat around and waited. And waited. And waited. We finally got our flight to Istanbul.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today is the Day

YIPPEE - today is the day we fly. No more sleeps. I have put the last of the washing on the line and by 2 it should be dry. If not Nerri will get what is not dry and put in the laundry. We have already had our breakfast and it is only 7.30am. Sandy has packed his bag and is waiting. It is going to be a long day I think. I wanted to write a little of this blog before we go and vote, then we will go and see Mum. When we come home I only have to pack my bag and then wait for the limousine. It is cold and windy here today so will be desperate to get to Turkey to the warmer weather.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Getting Ready to Go.

Friday 20th August 2010

Only 1 sleep to go. I have been to watch Sophie and Ty in the District Athletics this morning. They did well. They ran in the 100m race and Sophie made the semi finals but Ty didn't. Bulli Public school came 1st in the Junior tunnel ball and 8th in the Seniors. The wind was very cold so when they had finished I came on home. Simon had the day off too and was there also. I will take the boys to meet Stephanie at Appin this afternoon then come home and PACK.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, ‎18 ‎August ‎2010
1:52:28 PM
Only 3 more sleeps to go but who is counting?
New mobile number only for while we are away. 0428 747 920.
When we come home we go back to our normal mobile number 0412 498 078.