Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday 29 August 2010

Well, today we have a rest day and I think we have earned it. I know I need it. We have an optional sea cruise on the Mediterranean Sea or do our own thing. Most of the people wanted to do the cruise.
We left the hotel at 10 after a leisurely few hours.
Arrived down at the boat and boarded. We went upstairs and some people stayed down below. It was a beautiful morning and it was starting to get hot already.
We saw lots of people swimming along the way, the water was so clear and very blue. Saw waterfalls and other boats sailing around. There were also para sailing going on, about 5 were out there behind speed boats. What a way to go.
We stopped to have our swim. They put out the ladder and we jumped in. The water was absolutely beautiful and so blue. It was warm in some parts and cooler in others. They threw us some donuts to float with. It was just wonderful. Now we can say we have swam in the Mediterranean Sea. After about an hour we had to get back on the boat. I think most of us who were swimming could have stayed longer. Darghan (Tour Guide) sprayed some of us with a water hose to get the salt off. Then he told us we could shower down below. I don't think too many showered as the hot sun soon had us dry.
We came back (much to our disappointment) and one of the passengers from the other Insight Tour group (who was with us) had a bout of diarrhoea the past 2 days and collapsed in the sun. Helen, being the good Nursing Sister she is, looked after him until we got back to land. His wife was with him and they left straight away to head back to the hotel by taxi.
We were told that we had to be on the bus by 2 unless we wanted to go sightseeing on our own.
We did some shopping in the bazaar on our way back to the bus and arrived in time for 2pm back to the hotel.
It was so hot. Nearly 38 degrees.
We had some 'cold' drinks with Wally and Helen then they went to see the museum and Sandy and me went down to have a swim in the hotel pool. There were a lot of people swimming and we stayed for about an hour.
It is now 5.15 so we are going to get organised to have our tea. Maybe we will have another swim after tea or might go shopping to the Mall which is about 2 klms away.
Hope it is cooler later in the evening but I doubt it.
Tomorrow is another day and more sightseeing and a long bus trip.

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