Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday 24th August 2010

Well, we left this morning at 8.30 after a buffet breakfast. I/we slept like we had never seen a bed before. We just crashed well and truly.
It is 25degrees this morning. We drove for 1/2 hour to the glorious Cumalikizik village. It was about 700 years old. The houses were approximately 120 years old and you had to walk around a cobble stone walk way to get any where.
It was a very old village and had the narrowist walk way. There was hardly any room for a car let alone a walk.
We left there about 10.15 and it was getting hot. Just 28degrees.
Onto lunch at a shopping mall 1-1/4 hours away at Eskisehir. We only had a light lunch as we had nibbled on the way.
Back onto the bus at 1pm for our trip to Gordion, a 2 hour drive away. At Gordion, this is where Alexander the Great cut the famous Gordion Knot. It was a very interesting place.
Also saw "King Midas" mound - carbon dating had resulted in a body older than King Midas and they suspect the mound to be the burial place of his father. When they unearthed King Midas, they sent his bones for testing. Apparently, the story goes that the bones got lost and they only had a head.
There were lots of other mounds but not real. They were made to disguise the real one. We went through to see where he was originally laid to rest.
We went through the museum. It was quite impressive. The 1st squat toilets we have seen. Needless to say I didn't use them.
Back on the bus at 4pm and onto Ankara 30 miles away.
We were given an optional for the Whirling Dervichers. We said we would go. Per person it was $35US; $55 Turkish Lire or $28 Euro. It started at 6.30 or 9.30. Daghan said we would go to the 6.30 session which would only last for 50 minutes.
It was getting warmer, 33degrees.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey over Istanbul. There are approx. 7 million people who live here.
We arrived at our hotel, Hilton at Ankara. Our bus driver is just brilliant. How he gets the bus into tight places is unbelievable. He is worth every bit of recognition.
It was such a long day on the bus. We went to find the shopping mall before tea but walked and not to be found. We end up getting 4 beers and having them in our room before tea with Wally & Helen. Went down for tea and the Puerto Rico basketballers were in the hotel having their tea also. They were so very tall.
Had our tea and went to bed as we were very tired.

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