Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday 23rd August 2010

It is sunny today and 28 degrees. We left at 8.30am after having our bags at our door by 6.30 and breakfast at 7.30.
We drove to the waterfront and boarded a cruise ship for a tour along the Bosphorus past Ottoman Palaces old fortresses and mansions.
The houses were just beautiful. Very meditteranean looking but well kept. We saw the President's "house". He was in as his flag was flying. It was such a lovely cruise. We left the cruise ship about 11.30 and came onto the expressway.
The expressways over here are wonderful. Much better than ours. We stopped for lunch at Yalova, about 80kms from Bursa. Istanbul is divided into 2. One side is in Europe and the other is Asia. You can tell the difference as the houses in Turkey are grand and the ones in Asia (on the other side of the road) are run down and neglected. We were on our way back to Bursa.
Han gave us all a blue eye with a bell attached. It was supposed to resemble good luck. It is also called the "eveil eye".
Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, 2nd is Ankara and Ismet is 3rd.
Had lunch at a large supermarket and got some Turkish Delight.
It is really hot here now. We then drove 1-1/4 hours to see the ruins of St. Sophia. It is a beautiful old church that is not used any more. It was built in the 7th century. We left there at 2.40 and drove back to Bursa.
We went into the Grand Mosque where ladies had to cover their heads and we also had to take our shoes off. They were just about to start their 4.45pm prayers so we had to be out by then. The men pray to Mecca on one side and the women pray on the other side of the Mosque. It was just so beautiful and old. We went to the silk markets in Bursa where I purchased some silk scarves.
We then got back on the bus for a short trip to the Green Mosque. We had to do the same here, cover our heads and remove our shoes. They call it the Green Mosque because of the green tiles indside and green was the prophet mohammeds favorite colour. Came on to our hotel. Kervensary Thermal Hotel in Bursa. We arrived about 6.15, got our rooms, had a shower and were in the Restaurant for tea by 7.30.
It was a smorgasboard and it was great. You could have what we wanted.
We have another busy day tomorrow, and as it is now 10pm I will close and write more, hopefully tomorrow.
I haven't written before as the hotel had an internet but was quite expensive. This one tonight has internet and it is free. Needless to say.........

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