Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday 15 September 2010

We were the 1st plane to arrive in Sydney. We went through Customs and then Quarantine and out in the open of Sydney. We left Dubai in the hot (even though it was early in the morning) and arrived in Sydney to the cold.
The limo was waiting for us and we travelled home. We rang Jack & Ty to let them know we were home as we knew they were just either waking up or had just got up. Spoke to Simon (who was having the day off) & Jack but Ty was still asleep. We rang Andrew and the girls were just in the shower after their swimming. We said not to bother them but to tell them we were home and I would send Hannah a text to her.
It was a very slow day for Sandy and me, and I think Wally & Helen would be the same. I have never yawned so much. The boys came home from school so that gave us some encouragement to stay awake. Simon had to go & do a few things and he took Ty with him. Jack had homework so he stayed.
We had our tea and when it was nearly 8.30pm, Jack said he was going to bed and guess what? Grandad and Nanna went to their bed and never heard another word.
We had a terrific holiday and one that should be done by all, whenever possible. The highlight of our trip was Turkey, sailing the Greek islands and the 4 days in Dubai. Needless to say, everything was perfect. The Emirates flight, hotels (which were all 5 star), food (which was mostly buffet style), company (which we made some great friends), cruise (the ship was comfortable but all depends who you spoke to!!), the Greek islands (just magnificent and the scenery spectacular) down to Dubai (which was hot but beautiful).
Over the weekend (when we get some ‘spare’ time), we will attach more photos on my blog so you can have a look. Hopefully they will be there by Monday.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Well, we are on our very last legs, literally. We got up this morning and got organised to get the taxi to the airport. The taxis are already waiting at the front of the hotel. We had to have a 4 wheel drive as we had many bags for the 4 of us. It only took about 15 minutes from the hotel to the airport.
We got our bags checked in and the young girl that helped!! us said that we will all be together on the plane. Our 4 large bags went through and we only had 1 back pack between us and Wally & Helen had 1 each. We amused ourselves waiting. We had some coffee and something to eat as we didn’t have anything for breakfast as it was too early. Helen and I went shopping to fill in some time. Helen bought some perfume but that was all.
Our flight was then called, even though it was later than originally stated. We should have left at ¼ to 10 but at least we are on the way home, I had terrible feeling that it might be cancelled.
Our seats were not together. The plane construction of seats was 3 – 4 – 3. It ended up the Wally sat on the aisle of the 4 and Sandy, Helen and me sat in the 3 beside. Wally wasn’t too impressed as we had to be split but when he found out that beside him were a husband and wife with 2 small children, (about 2 & 4) that really did it for him. The poor mother had to nurse the 2yr old on her lap while the 4yr old sat beside Wally. To be quite honest, they were very well behaved children and very polite. Such as long way for them to be good but they fell asleep as soon as we took off and slept for about 3 hours.
It is was 20 hour flight but take 6 hours off for crossing the International Date Line. Even so, it was still a LONG flight. We didn’t take off until nearly 11 as Sydney has a curfew on that planes cannot land until 6am. If we had left at the correct time we would have had to circle around until 6.
The food was OK and most people were able to sleep on the plane once night time came. Guess who couldn’t sleep!! By the time we were about an hour out of Sydney, I thought I could have a nap but was too excited at the thought of coming home.

Monday 13 September 2010

Sitting at the airport waiting to go home. It is just 8.20am and we left home at 7. Thought I would write yesterday’s blog as we have some time to go. Out flight isn’t until 10.15 (1/2 hr later than should be).
We got up yesterday morning and did the usual thing. Met Wally & Helen for breakfast. We went to the Ceramic Cafe again. We were the only ones there and it wasn’t too bad. I had eggs Benedict (which were great except they were on 2 ½ muffins and I could only eat 1), Sandy had a full breakfast so did Wally, and Helen had a cheese & mushroom omelette (which came after we had almost finished ours). Because we were late getting our breakfast, the guy gave us a cheesecake in raspberry jam as a compliment. The last thing we needed!!!! but the 4 of us ate it so he wouldn’t feel too bad.
Wally & Helen went on their way and we went a got a taxi. We went to the old Gold Souk. There were Indian guys in the shops and also some outside trying to get you into buy. We didn’t buy anything as nothing jumped out and said ‘take me home’.
We then got another taxi to the Dubai Mall. What a place. It was huge and so clean. We walked around and saw most of the shops. We saw a waterfall with statues diving which was great. We also saw an ice skating rink. There were lots of people skating, children and adults and having a ball. This is all in the complex.
We went upstairs to the new Gold Souk. It was so impressive. The shops were much cleaner than the old souk and the owners sat in their shops and there was no-one to hassle you to buy. If you wanted to, you just walked inside.
We then went walking to the tallest building in the world. There was a line up of 1-1/2 hours waiting to get in. We should have booked but we thought we were OK. Know what thought did.........
We came back to the hotel about 3 and did bits and pieces. Finished off the blog for the few days that hadn’t been done and sent them. Sandy couldn’t find the days for the 2nd,3rd & 4th but they were there, just hidden away. He sent them on for me but without photos.
Wally & Helen The Big BusTour which was about $A70 each and you could get on and off as you pleased. I will have to find out exactly what they did.
I asked Wally at the airport (on Tuesday while waiting for our plane home) what they got up to and wrote it down. Must have ‘losingitis’ as I can’t find the piece of paper that I wrote their day trip on. Anyway, Sandy rang Wally & Helen and spoke to Helen. She said they did the Red Bus (as there is a Red and Blue bus) and they are both called The Big Bus Tour.
1st stop they got off, they went to the Wafi Mall where there were Arabian Reliefs on the wall outside. Then they went to the Dubai Museum which is also called the Al Fahidi fort, which was the former home of the Shiek. They also saw cannons which are still there.
Then they went on a boat ride up and won the creek. It lasted for about 90 minutes and Helen said it was great. Then onto the Old Gold Souk which we saw also and Wally wasn’t too keen on this as there were many, many Indians.
Their last stop was the Deira Mall. They thought this was great and then they were going to catch the Blue bus and go and look at the fountains. As the trip was a long way away and they had caught the last bus there, they would have to get a taxi back and it would have been costly as it was a lengthy ride. Wally & Helen came back and rang us about 10 to 6. They had a good day also.
We went to have our tea. We walked through the Festival City and Helen wanted a pair of shoes so we had a look at a few shops but there was nothing to fit. On we went to our tea at Tony’s Restaurant. There are so many places to eat where you can pick from.
Tea wasn’t too bad and then we came back to our hotel and had to have our last beer before we leave tomorrow.
Finished off re-packing our bags and into bed for our early (most unusual to have an early start!!!!!) morning.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday 12 September 2010

Well, after a good night’s sleep we went down to the Restaurant in the hotel for our breakfast. Wally and Helen hadn’t arrived so we started without them. I had a full buffet breakfast and Sandy had cereal and coffee. The waiter came and took Sandy’s bowl and mug and also his cutlery. He didn’t go and get more utensils and when the bill came we were charged 220 Dubai Dirham (equivalent to $A35 each person). Nearly died and was not impressed, to say the least. We obviously won’t be eating there tomorrow morning.
After we had breakfast, we arranged to have a dessert ride called The Desert Safari and a BBQ tea. This is done through Lama Dessert Tours and with a professional driver. This cost 550 Dubai Dirham or ($A140each). They are going to pick us up between 3.30 and 4. In the meantime we went for a walk through Festival City Mall. There are lots of shops there but we didn’t buy anything. Then we went to the Mall of the Emirates where they have an indoor ski slope. There were lots of people there from children to adults. It seemed like fun but we only took some photos as none of us were keen to have a go. The shops were great and you could have spent lots of time there. We came back to our hotel and found a Ceramic Cafe where we had some late lunch. Wally and Helen had Garlic Bread and Sandy had a full breakfast. Wally, Helen and me had basil and orange juice with fine ice (similar to our icees) and they were just beautiful but cold. Came back to get ready to go dessert riding.
The guy, Malik, picked us up and off we went. We had to pick up 2 other Asian people at their hotel and then we travelled for about 80kms. When we arrived at our half way destination, they had to let some of the air from the tyres to travel on the sand. After about 10 minutes, we were off. “Off” being the operative word.
We went over sand dunes and drove sideways. They really gunned the motors and I was not too amused. Sand flew up and we slid any which way. Sandy sat in the front and Wally, Helen and me sat in the back (with the roll bars) and the other couple sat in the dickie seats in the back. We stopped about ½ way again for a photo shot of the sunset. The dessert is very orange sand and the sunset was lovely. Thank God we had a stop otherwise I would have had to ask him to stop, just for me. I can’t remember the last time I was feeling car sick but today was one. Just an upset tummy but enough for me. We went through a Conservation gate and onto land called the Bedouin campsite located in the heart of the dessert, where we were going to have our BBQ. We saw some gazelles on the way. I think they looked at us and wondered what we were doing there but by now I’m sure they are used to humans.
We arrived at our BBQ site and were welcomed with 2 camels which we could ride for a brief time, Wally & Helen had the 1st camel and Sandy had the 2nd. I would have loved to have a go but didn’t need it with my upset tum. We had refreshing Arabic coffee (Kawa) and dates. We could have soft drinks, tea and water also. You could smoke the Sheesha or ‘Bubbly Hubbly’ which is a typical Arabian experience. It consists of mild and fruity flavours which offer a tingling sensation. Needless to say we didn’t try it. You could have a Henna arm tattoo also.
We sat on cushions on carpet for our tea was a chicken kebab, 2 ?? rissoles and a piece of carrot and a piece of potato. There was a belly dancer after our tea who was not too bad. Another lady and a young girl did some dancing also but they were from the audience.
After all this, we found our driver and came on home. Thankfully we didn’t have to go through the desert again as it was dark and there were no lights.
We came back to a little gap and put more air back into our tyres and then found the highway. The hotel was about 50klms away but the roads are so straight, long and 4 lanes that it didn’t take too long and we were there.
They have a little ‘pub’ attached to the hotel so we went in there and had a beer then went to our beds. The pub is like an Irish Pub, very old and rustic but nice.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Slept on and off last night. Even though it was a big bed, I heard the mobile go off but I didn’t know what time it was. When I finally came too, Sandy was already up and showered. I looked at the mobile and it was a message from my sister. She wanted to know if things were OK as she hadn’t been able to read the blog. I sent back a message to say that we are OK, holidays great and the Internet isn’t possible, at the moment, hopefully we will be able to either get on (for free, where we can attach some photos) in the hotel, or we will find a cafe somewhere in Dubai.
Just amusing ourselves this morning. Re-packing our bags and waiting for our shuttle to the airport.
The shuttle picked us up at 1.15pm. Liz and Kel were down to see us off. They are a really nice couple. It didn’t take too long for us to get to the International Terminal. We checked in our bags and then had a look around while we were waiting. We had a cool drink also.
We ended up going to Terminal A09 to wait for our flight. There were quite alot of people waiting. Finally we were allowed to board. We had row 35, seats D,E,F & G. It started to rain while we were waiting on the tarmac with lightning. The flight was nearly 50 minutes late getting off the ground. We should have taken off at 4.40pm but we didn’t go until 5.25pm.
It is 3276klms or 2034 miles from Athens to Dubai and should take about 4 hrs. It was 37 degrees in Dubai and their time is 1 hour more than Greece and 6 hours more than Australia.
We arrived in Dubai (and boy was it hot!!!) at 9.35pm (Dubai time). We found customs and got our passports stamped and went to find our luggage on carousel 5.
Got our bags and headed for a taxi to take us to our hotel. The Crown Plaza in Festival City. The hotel is close to the airport and it only took 10min to get there. We checked in and hit the beds. The rooms are lovely and big and from what we can see, they overlook the creek and amusement park, I think.

Sunday 5 September 2010

It is raining this morning, just fine rain but enough to wet you. We have had our breakfast and re-packing our bags. Where do we get all the extras that we have to pack? Maybe gifts for those back home!!!
Andrew and Simon sent a text for ‘Happy Father’s Day’ to their Dad. I forgot, so I must be having a good time to not remember.
We were picked up at 11.45 to go to the ship, Crystal Louis. It is moored at the port and the bus that takes us there is similar to the one we have been travelling in for the past 2 weeks.
We arrive at the port and meet our Tour Guide, Barbara. She gives us the information that we will need to board the ship.
On board we are taken to our cabin but not before we hand over our passports. The ship will keep them for embarkation and disembarkation at each port. Apparently it makes it much easier for the crew to hand in all passports of those getting on & off the ship. I remember when we had to hand over our passports on our very 1st trip, I wasn’t too impressed doing this but it is the done thing.
We had a quick look around the ship and then we had to ‘muster’ in the lounge for our life/safety drill. We had to get our life jackets from our room and they showed us how to put them on etc.
We came back to our cabin to get ready for meet the Captain and have cocktails with him. They had champagne, white wine, cocktails, nibbles and water. We had our photo taken with the Captain (who was younger than I thought he would be) and then the Captain introduced us to his senior staff on the ship.
We came on down after this and had our dinner. There were 10 of us at the table. Wally & Helen, Helen & Brian, Kel & Liz, Anne & Tony and Sandy & me. The people were on our Turkey tour also and we had made friends with them. We had a nice meal (sit down meal which you could pick entree, main and dessert) but I think 8 would be enough on a table. They gave us iced water from a jug (which was free) but if you opened the bottle water on the table you had to pay for it. Anyway, it is only for dinner and only for 5 more nights.
Anything you have is in Euros and you pay at the end of the cruise. It can be quite expensive. E.g. Safe in your room is 20e & if you lose your key it is 100e fine; bingo is 5e for 2 games; beer is 4e; there really is nothing that is free.
Went back to Wally and Helen’s cabin (which is next to our cabin) for a bottle of wine to celebrate our ship cruise. Thank God there is only 1 bottle as it wasn’t crash hot. After the 2nd glass it was starting to go down a bit smoother.
The cabin is really good. We have 2 single bed, a wardrobe and ½ wardrobe, shelving, lounge and round table, a shower/toilet and TV. It is clean and that is all you can ask. There are a few of our people from our tour complaining about their cabins. We have been lucky as we think we have been upgraded as the ones complaining have double bunks, ½ wardrobe, no lounge or table and an old TV (where we have a flat screen even if you can’t understand much of the language). I think they are going to take their matter further but (I know nothing).
We came to bed and all we could hear was the noise of the ship’s engine. After about ½ hour you didn’t mind the noise and we slept soundly.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Not a great deal happening today – we have another early start as we are going to the Grand Bazaar, a major tourist shopping area; the Blue Mosque; Haghia Sophia and the Topkapi Palace.
We went to the Grand Bazaar first. The bus dropped us off at Gate 1 and this was where we had to meet it again in 1-1/2 hours. The Bazaar was huge but some of the vendors were not prepared to haggle. We were told if they said a price (in lire), you halved it to see what they would say. They usually added a bit more and then you could say your price. If OK, not a problem. If not, we walked away. The prices are very steep on some of these articles.
We came back to the bus and travelled to the 17th century Blue Mosque, which is a magnificent museum, and from there we walked as the bus couldn’t get through the ‘roads’. The roads are just narrow pebble stone walkways, not enough room for a car let alone a bus. Our bus drive, Kurter, could drive a bus anywhere; he is just great and does a superb job.
We also visited Haghia Sophia, a former cathedral which they are re-constructing but another which will not be finished in our day or our children’s days. It will take for-ever. This is one of the marvels of the World architecture.
In the afternoon we went to the Topkapi Palace, a walled city perches above the Bosphorous and the Golden Horn. It was also the home of Turkish Sultans for 400 years, and also where you can see the Treasury and beautiful Porcelain collections.
The view from the top of the Palace was magnificent. Your could look over the ocean to where the cargo ships were waiting to go into port and the cruise ships were coming in. It also overlooks the city of Istanbul. It was something.
Back to the hotel Conrad where we had another stay tonight. We said good-bye to Daghan and Kurter. They were both such good value and I would recommend our Tour Guide to any Insight tour. He was brilliant.
We ended up going for dinner with 10 other people who are also going on the cruise to the Greek Islands tomorrow. We should have done a dinner at the start of the tour as we could have met more people instead of having to do it on the bus as we were travelling.
We don’t have a wake-up call tomorrow, bags out or on the bus time. We have to leave the hotel and meet in the foyer for 12.
Hopefully we can write more on the ship but if not I will cut and paste in Word and send when it is available.