Monday, September 13, 2010

Friday 3 September 2010

Ooops missed a few days
Had all the usual done before we boarded the bus at 7.30am – still early departure but we need to leave early so as to get there before all the other tours.
It is a beautiful day, cool and crisp but should imagine that the sun will shine later.
We headed for the car ferry to take us across the Dardanelle Straits to Eceabat. We drove then to the scenes of fighting during World War 1 in Anzac Cove. We had our talk at the spot where they have the Dawn Service, by the water.
We then walked along the shoreline to where the sailors who lost their lives were buried. We got a stone off the beach (which probably we shouldn’t have) but....
It was a most impressive and moving place. We then went onto the Lone Pine Cemetery.
We found the grave of Ian’s (next door neighbour) uncle who he wanted us to take a photo of – apparently he was killed during the War and Ian needed the photo to do his family tree - it was very moving in the cemetery – so many young soldiers and sailors who lost their lives during the War. They were as young as 16/17 and as ‘old’ as 44 – this was some of the ages that we saw - we took heaps of photos so hope they come out OK.
We saw more grave sites and then the Turkish Monument. The statue of the Turkish soldier was enormous. The cemetery was large and was well looked after. Gelibolu is Turkish for Gallipoli.
Back on the bus and we drive to our lunch destination. It is 11.25am, only 27 degrees and the sun is starting to shine.
We have 360kms to drive today so going to be a long day.

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