Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday 13 September 2010

Sitting at the airport waiting to go home. It is just 8.20am and we left home at 7. Thought I would write yesterday’s blog as we have some time to go. Out flight isn’t until 10.15 (1/2 hr later than should be).
We got up yesterday morning and did the usual thing. Met Wally & Helen for breakfast. We went to the Ceramic Cafe again. We were the only ones there and it wasn’t too bad. I had eggs Benedict (which were great except they were on 2 ½ muffins and I could only eat 1), Sandy had a full breakfast so did Wally, and Helen had a cheese & mushroom omelette (which came after we had almost finished ours). Because we were late getting our breakfast, the guy gave us a cheesecake in raspberry jam as a compliment. The last thing we needed!!!! but the 4 of us ate it so he wouldn’t feel too bad.
Wally & Helen went on their way and we went a got a taxi. We went to the old Gold Souk. There were Indian guys in the shops and also some outside trying to get you into buy. We didn’t buy anything as nothing jumped out and said ‘take me home’.
We then got another taxi to the Dubai Mall. What a place. It was huge and so clean. We walked around and saw most of the shops. We saw a waterfall with statues diving which was great. We also saw an ice skating rink. There were lots of people skating, children and adults and having a ball. This is all in the complex.
We went upstairs to the new Gold Souk. It was so impressive. The shops were much cleaner than the old souk and the owners sat in their shops and there was no-one to hassle you to buy. If you wanted to, you just walked inside.
We then went walking to the tallest building in the world. There was a line up of 1-1/2 hours waiting to get in. We should have booked but we thought we were OK. Know what thought did.........
We came back to the hotel about 3 and did bits and pieces. Finished off the blog for the few days that hadn’t been done and sent them. Sandy couldn’t find the days for the 2nd,3rd & 4th but they were there, just hidden away. He sent them on for me but without photos.
Wally & Helen The Big BusTour which was about $A70 each and you could get on and off as you pleased. I will have to find out exactly what they did.
I asked Wally at the airport (on Tuesday while waiting for our plane home) what they got up to and wrote it down. Must have ‘losingitis’ as I can’t find the piece of paper that I wrote their day trip on. Anyway, Sandy rang Wally & Helen and spoke to Helen. She said they did the Red Bus (as there is a Red and Blue bus) and they are both called The Big Bus Tour.
1st stop they got off, they went to the Wafi Mall where there were Arabian Reliefs on the wall outside. Then they went to the Dubai Museum which is also called the Al Fahidi fort, which was the former home of the Shiek. They also saw cannons which are still there.
Then they went on a boat ride up and won the creek. It lasted for about 90 minutes and Helen said it was great. Then onto the Old Gold Souk which we saw also and Wally wasn’t too keen on this as there were many, many Indians.
Their last stop was the Deira Mall. They thought this was great and then they were going to catch the Blue bus and go and look at the fountains. As the trip was a long way away and they had caught the last bus there, they would have to get a taxi back and it would have been costly as it was a lengthy ride. Wally & Helen came back and rang us about 10 to 6. They had a good day also.
We went to have our tea. We walked through the Festival City and Helen wanted a pair of shoes so we had a look at a few shops but there was nothing to fit. On we went to our tea at Tony’s Restaurant. There are so many places to eat where you can pick from.
Tea wasn’t too bad and then we came back to our hotel and had to have our last beer before we leave tomorrow.
Finished off re-packing our bags and into bed for our early (most unusual to have an early start!!!!!) morning.

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