Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday 2 September 2010

Up early this morning to get organised. We were leaving at 7.30am. Didn't sleep too much tonight as every hour we were awake in case we slept in.

We are on our way to Pergamon today. We travelled 350kms today.

We stopped in Pergamon and saw the impressive site of an ancient kingdom. We visited the Acropolis, the temple of Athena and the site of the famous library then went saw the Red Courtyard. We also saw the great theatre and the Temple of Trajan.

We stopped for lunch and once of Draghan's "cousins" and it was really nice. He has so many "cousins/Uncles/family that we don't know whether they are real relations or not.

We then went to see the Asclepion, the ancient centre for healing, saw the temple of Telesphor.

After drive for quite a long way we stopped at Homer's Troy. We walked for quite a way looking at all the ruins. They are so well preserved. We saw the ruins of 9 cities built on top of each other and an enormous reconstruction of the famous wooden horse. Sandy took my photo in the wooden horse.

Came onto our hotel on Canakkale, hotel Kolin.

Had our tea and a beer with Waly & Helen then into bed as another early start tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Christie,
    It's Jacinta (and Laura) here. it looks like a awesome HOLIDAY! we are very jealous :-)

    can you please say hi to Nanny and Poppy for us :-D
    Love Jacinta and Laura
