Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday 1 September 2010

As usual, wake up call, bags out, breakfast and on the bus to Izmir.
It is 115kms away, about 2 hours. Not long to drive but lots to see.
We went to visit the ruins of Ephesus, the largest Roman ruin in the world and one of the world's finest archaeological sites.
We saw the Trajan Fountain, the main street which is called Curetes Street, the Library of Selsius and the Amphitheatre. The remains are so preserved and they are working on more restorations of the ruins. It will take many years and I don't think the archaeologists doing this now will be around in many years time to complete it.
The Amphitheatre is still being used today for concerts with the likes of Elton John & Rod Stewart etc.
It is overcast now and looks like rain. We have our wet weather tops with us but hopefully we won't need them.
We have taken heaps of photos and it is now starting to sprinkle.
We had to put on our spray jackets and you know what happened, it stopped raining. Typical!!
We saw the temple of Artemis where the statue of the Great Mother of Artemis is on display. We also visited the House of Virgin Mary. You weren't allowed to take photos in there but we lit 2 candles, 1 for Kerry and 1 of me.
Coming out, there were people placing messages of wishes on the wall. You write your wish and place it on the wall wrapped in tissue. I have never seen this done before.
It is now 29 degrees and getting hot now the rain has stopped. The sun is shining and getting hot.
Stopped in the town of Celcuk for our lunch. We went to a typical family restaurant where we had home made food. It was just wonderful. The had a yard full of olive trees and grapes hanging on the pergolas.
We then went to a leather factory after lunch. They had a fashion parade of their leather which was really nice but very expensive.
It is now 33 degrees and very hot.
We travelled to our hotel in Izmir, hotel Hilton. Not too bad but as we have an early tomorrow, into bed.

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