Monday, September 13, 2010

Saturday 11 September 2010

Slept on and off last night. Even though it was a big bed, I heard the mobile go off but I didn’t know what time it was. When I finally came too, Sandy was already up and showered. I looked at the mobile and it was a message from my sister. She wanted to know if things were OK as she hadn’t been able to read the blog. I sent back a message to say that we are OK, holidays great and the Internet isn’t possible, at the moment, hopefully we will be able to either get on (for free, where we can attach some photos) in the hotel, or we will find a cafe somewhere in Dubai.
Just amusing ourselves this morning. Re-packing our bags and waiting for our shuttle to the airport.
The shuttle picked us up at 1.15pm. Liz and Kel were down to see us off. They are a really nice couple. It didn’t take too long for us to get to the International Terminal. We checked in our bags and then had a look around while we were waiting. We had a cool drink also.
We ended up going to Terminal A09 to wait for our flight. There were quite alot of people waiting. Finally we were allowed to board. We had row 35, seats D,E,F & G. It started to rain while we were waiting on the tarmac with lightning. The flight was nearly 50 minutes late getting off the ground. We should have taken off at 4.40pm but we didn’t go until 5.25pm.
It is 3276klms or 2034 miles from Athens to Dubai and should take about 4 hrs. It was 37 degrees in Dubai and their time is 1 hour more than Greece and 6 hours more than Australia.
We arrived in Dubai (and boy was it hot!!!) at 9.35pm (Dubai time). We found customs and got our passports stamped and went to find our luggage on carousel 5.
Got our bags and headed for a taxi to take us to our hotel. The Crown Plaza in Festival City. The hotel is close to the airport and it only took 10min to get there. We checked in and hit the beds. The rooms are lovely and big and from what we can see, they overlook the creek and amusement park, I think.

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