Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Well, we are on our very last legs, literally. We got up this morning and got organised to get the taxi to the airport. The taxis are already waiting at the front of the hotel. We had to have a 4 wheel drive as we had many bags for the 4 of us. It only took about 15 minutes from the hotel to the airport.
We got our bags checked in and the young girl that helped!! us said that we will all be together on the plane. Our 4 large bags went through and we only had 1 back pack between us and Wally & Helen had 1 each. We amused ourselves waiting. We had some coffee and something to eat as we didn’t have anything for breakfast as it was too early. Helen and I went shopping to fill in some time. Helen bought some perfume but that was all.
Our flight was then called, even though it was later than originally stated. We should have left at ¼ to 10 but at least we are on the way home, I had terrible feeling that it might be cancelled.
Our seats were not together. The plane construction of seats was 3 – 4 – 3. It ended up the Wally sat on the aisle of the 4 and Sandy, Helen and me sat in the 3 beside. Wally wasn’t too impressed as we had to be split but when he found out that beside him were a husband and wife with 2 small children, (about 2 & 4) that really did it for him. The poor mother had to nurse the 2yr old on her lap while the 4yr old sat beside Wally. To be quite honest, they were very well behaved children and very polite. Such as long way for them to be good but they fell asleep as soon as we took off and slept for about 3 hours.
It is was 20 hour flight but take 6 hours off for crossing the International Date Line. Even so, it was still a LONG flight. We didn’t take off until nearly 11 as Sydney has a curfew on that planes cannot land until 6am. If we had left at the correct time we would have had to circle around until 6.
The food was OK and most people were able to sleep on the plane once night time came. Guess who couldn’t sleep!! By the time we were about an hour out of Sydney, I thought I could have a nap but was too excited at the thought of coming home.

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