Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday 27 August 2010

The dancing last night was great. They had the traditional dancing, belly dancing and the crowd dancing. Wally was selected to participate and Dan (Canada) was also picked to do belly dancing. He was really good.

The sun is shining today and it is going to be hot. Just 7am, bags are out, had our breakfast and on the bus for 9am.
Got our group photo before we left. Not too bad but I had another taken (at random) and it was a shocker. We bought it anyway. The photo's were 5 lire each.
On the bus. We were further up the back of the bus today. We are on our way to Konya.
Stopped at Zelve Valley for a picture stop.
We stopped at a pottery factory called Vanessa Seramik. It is a family business and was just wonderful. We saw a demonstration of the making of a teapot. Went into another room to watch the daughters/nieces/uncles/cousins etc painting the pottery. Was told about the firing of the pottery once painted. Then we were let loose to buy whatever.
Back on the bus for a 1-1/2 hours to Aksaray. Stopped for lunch on the way. It was a very large roadside cafe and very nice. After lunch we were on our way to Sultanhani (45 minutes away).
It was so cold up the back of the bus. In the end, Dan said we could block off the air by putting the diffusers back in. Did so and made a huge difference.
Passed a Mercedes factory which is the largest in Europe. Saw petrol at over 3TL/l. very expensive compared to what we pay.
We arrived at Sultahani Kervansari which is only a shell of what was there.It was a refuge for the camel trains and was a substantial building.
We arrived in Konya about 3.45pm. Approximately 1 million people live here. We went to Mevlana Museum where we were not allowed to take photos of video of the insides. It was quite impressive. We could leave our shoes on but we had to put plastic shoes over the top. Now we know what Drs in the operating room feel like. We saw the beautiful fluted turquoise dome and also saw models in the kitchen of dervishes.
Back on the bus at 5.
It is so hot here now. Above 35 degrees.
On the bus and on our way to our hotel for the night. We passed the Ince Minaret on our way but didn't get out of the bus. Just took photos from the bus.
We arrived at the Dedeman Hotel. It is far superior to the Dedeman we stayed for the last 2 nights.
Konya is Turkey's most religious city. It was once the home of the mystic sect of Whirling Derviches and the old capital of the Anatolian Seljuk Empire.
Took our laundry over to the Mall where there is a laundry. The poor girl didn't know what hit her. She was Muslim and didn't speak much (if any) English. There were only 4 of us having our washing and drying done. She agreed in the end and we can pick it up at 9.30pm.
Came back and had our tea and Helen and me went over to the Mall (which was across the road) to do some shopping (without Wally & Sandy). Guess what? The shops had closed all except the supermarket as everybody had gone home to have their tea as they are fasting for Ramadan. Wouldn't you know it!!!!!
Ended up coming back to the hotel and just waiting now until we can go back across to pick the washing up at 9.30.
Will close today and write more tomorrow.

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