Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday 28 August 2010

Bags out, had breakfast and it very hot and just 8.30am.
A few people on the bus have upset tummies and feel "off".We are on our way to Antalya.
We crossed over the Taurus Mountains, the highest peak being 1825 metres high. They were dotted with Cedar and Cyprus pines.
Stopped for lunch about 11.30 and we had Turkish Pancakes, freshly made by 2 'old' ladies and they were just wonderful. We thought 1 would be shared by 2 but we ended up eating 1 each. You could have cheese and spinach or cheese, spinach and meat. The pastry when rolled was so thin you could almost see through it. One lady made the pastry and the other filled and cooked it. On the bus again to Aspendos. It is very hot, just on 36 degrees.
We saw the Roman Theatre which was so well preserved. Helen and I walked to the top and Sandy and Wally walked all around the top. It was magnificent.
The temperature at 3pm is 41 degrees C or in the old reading 111 degrees F. It is so hot.
We then went through the extensive ruins of Perge. They are starting to re-construct the remains. It is a very beautiful place and must have been huge. If you walk to the top you an see the city of Perge. I only walked 3/4 way (a lot of others did too) but some walked to the top. You can still see the chariot ruts in stone. It was too hot to continue walking for me. It is now 42 degrees.
We walked back to the little cafe where we had a welcome 'cold' beer before getting back on the bus.
We are now on our way to our hotel, Sheraton, which is on the Mediterranean Sea, in Antayla.

We stopped to buy some beer and cleaned him out, he must have thought all his christmases had come at once.
We have a room overlooking the ocean (which all on our bus have) and, thank goodness it has air conditioning. Sandy went for a swim in the hotel pool. He said the water was very warm but enjoyable. We went down for dinner and came back to have a beer in our room with Wally & Helen.
Tomorrow is a free day. A cruise has been arranged so we can have a swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Looking forward to this.

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