Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday 15 September 2010

We were the 1st plane to arrive in Sydney. We went through Customs and then Quarantine and out in the open of Sydney. We left Dubai in the hot (even though it was early in the morning) and arrived in Sydney to the cold.
The limo was waiting for us and we travelled home. We rang Jack & Ty to let them know we were home as we knew they were just either waking up or had just got up. Spoke to Simon (who was having the day off) & Jack but Ty was still asleep. We rang Andrew and the girls were just in the shower after their swimming. We said not to bother them but to tell them we were home and I would send Hannah a text to her.
It was a very slow day for Sandy and me, and I think Wally & Helen would be the same. I have never yawned so much. The boys came home from school so that gave us some encouragement to stay awake. Simon had to go & do a few things and he took Ty with him. Jack had homework so he stayed.
We had our tea and when it was nearly 8.30pm, Jack said he was going to bed and guess what? Grandad and Nanna went to their bed and never heard another word.
We had a terrific holiday and one that should be done by all, whenever possible. The highlight of our trip was Turkey, sailing the Greek islands and the 4 days in Dubai. Needless to say, everything was perfect. The Emirates flight, hotels (which were all 5 star), food (which was mostly buffet style), company (which we made some great friends), cruise (the ship was comfortable but all depends who you spoke to!!), the Greek islands (just magnificent and the scenery spectacular) down to Dubai (which was hot but beautiful).
Over the weekend (when we get some ‘spare’ time), we will attach more photos on my blog so you can have a look. Hopefully they will be there by Monday.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Well, we are on our very last legs, literally. We got up this morning and got organised to get the taxi to the airport. The taxis are already waiting at the front of the hotel. We had to have a 4 wheel drive as we had many bags for the 4 of us. It only took about 15 minutes from the hotel to the airport.
We got our bags checked in and the young girl that helped!! us said that we will all be together on the plane. Our 4 large bags went through and we only had 1 back pack between us and Wally & Helen had 1 each. We amused ourselves waiting. We had some coffee and something to eat as we didn’t have anything for breakfast as it was too early. Helen and I went shopping to fill in some time. Helen bought some perfume but that was all.
Our flight was then called, even though it was later than originally stated. We should have left at ¼ to 10 but at least we are on the way home, I had terrible feeling that it might be cancelled.
Our seats were not together. The plane construction of seats was 3 – 4 – 3. It ended up the Wally sat on the aisle of the 4 and Sandy, Helen and me sat in the 3 beside. Wally wasn’t too impressed as we had to be split but when he found out that beside him were a husband and wife with 2 small children, (about 2 & 4) that really did it for him. The poor mother had to nurse the 2yr old on her lap while the 4yr old sat beside Wally. To be quite honest, they were very well behaved children and very polite. Such as long way for them to be good but they fell asleep as soon as we took off and slept for about 3 hours.
It is was 20 hour flight but take 6 hours off for crossing the International Date Line. Even so, it was still a LONG flight. We didn’t take off until nearly 11 as Sydney has a curfew on that planes cannot land until 6am. If we had left at the correct time we would have had to circle around until 6.
The food was OK and most people were able to sleep on the plane once night time came. Guess who couldn’t sleep!! By the time we were about an hour out of Sydney, I thought I could have a nap but was too excited at the thought of coming home.

Monday 13 September 2010

Sitting at the airport waiting to go home. It is just 8.20am and we left home at 7. Thought I would write yesterday’s blog as we have some time to go. Out flight isn’t until 10.15 (1/2 hr later than should be).
We got up yesterday morning and did the usual thing. Met Wally & Helen for breakfast. We went to the Ceramic Cafe again. We were the only ones there and it wasn’t too bad. I had eggs Benedict (which were great except they were on 2 ½ muffins and I could only eat 1), Sandy had a full breakfast so did Wally, and Helen had a cheese & mushroom omelette (which came after we had almost finished ours). Because we were late getting our breakfast, the guy gave us a cheesecake in raspberry jam as a compliment. The last thing we needed!!!! but the 4 of us ate it so he wouldn’t feel too bad.
Wally & Helen went on their way and we went a got a taxi. We went to the old Gold Souk. There were Indian guys in the shops and also some outside trying to get you into buy. We didn’t buy anything as nothing jumped out and said ‘take me home’.
We then got another taxi to the Dubai Mall. What a place. It was huge and so clean. We walked around and saw most of the shops. We saw a waterfall with statues diving which was great. We also saw an ice skating rink. There were lots of people skating, children and adults and having a ball. This is all in the complex.
We went upstairs to the new Gold Souk. It was so impressive. The shops were much cleaner than the old souk and the owners sat in their shops and there was no-one to hassle you to buy. If you wanted to, you just walked inside.
We then went walking to the tallest building in the world. There was a line up of 1-1/2 hours waiting to get in. We should have booked but we thought we were OK. Know what thought did.........
We came back to the hotel about 3 and did bits and pieces. Finished off the blog for the few days that hadn’t been done and sent them. Sandy couldn’t find the days for the 2nd,3rd & 4th but they were there, just hidden away. He sent them on for me but without photos.
Wally & Helen The Big BusTour which was about $A70 each and you could get on and off as you pleased. I will have to find out exactly what they did.
I asked Wally at the airport (on Tuesday while waiting for our plane home) what they got up to and wrote it down. Must have ‘losingitis’ as I can’t find the piece of paper that I wrote their day trip on. Anyway, Sandy rang Wally & Helen and spoke to Helen. She said they did the Red Bus (as there is a Red and Blue bus) and they are both called The Big Bus Tour.
1st stop they got off, they went to the Wafi Mall where there were Arabian Reliefs on the wall outside. Then they went to the Dubai Museum which is also called the Al Fahidi fort, which was the former home of the Shiek. They also saw cannons which are still there.
Then they went on a boat ride up and won the creek. It lasted for about 90 minutes and Helen said it was great. Then onto the Old Gold Souk which we saw also and Wally wasn’t too keen on this as there were many, many Indians.
Their last stop was the Deira Mall. They thought this was great and then they were going to catch the Blue bus and go and look at the fountains. As the trip was a long way away and they had caught the last bus there, they would have to get a taxi back and it would have been costly as it was a lengthy ride. Wally & Helen came back and rang us about 10 to 6. They had a good day also.
We went to have our tea. We walked through the Festival City and Helen wanted a pair of shoes so we had a look at a few shops but there was nothing to fit. On we went to our tea at Tony’s Restaurant. There are so many places to eat where you can pick from.
Tea wasn’t too bad and then we came back to our hotel and had to have our last beer before we leave tomorrow.
Finished off re-packing our bags and into bed for our early (most unusual to have an early start!!!!!) morning.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday 12 September 2010

Well, after a good night’s sleep we went down to the Restaurant in the hotel for our breakfast. Wally and Helen hadn’t arrived so we started without them. I had a full buffet breakfast and Sandy had cereal and coffee. The waiter came and took Sandy’s bowl and mug and also his cutlery. He didn’t go and get more utensils and when the bill came we were charged 220 Dubai Dirham (equivalent to $A35 each person). Nearly died and was not impressed, to say the least. We obviously won’t be eating there tomorrow morning.
After we had breakfast, we arranged to have a dessert ride called The Desert Safari and a BBQ tea. This is done through Lama Dessert Tours and with a professional driver. This cost 550 Dubai Dirham or ($A140each). They are going to pick us up between 3.30 and 4. In the meantime we went for a walk through Festival City Mall. There are lots of shops there but we didn’t buy anything. Then we went to the Mall of the Emirates where they have an indoor ski slope. There were lots of people there from children to adults. It seemed like fun but we only took some photos as none of us were keen to have a go. The shops were great and you could have spent lots of time there. We came back to our hotel and found a Ceramic Cafe where we had some late lunch. Wally and Helen had Garlic Bread and Sandy had a full breakfast. Wally, Helen and me had basil and orange juice with fine ice (similar to our icees) and they were just beautiful but cold. Came back to get ready to go dessert riding.
The guy, Malik, picked us up and off we went. We had to pick up 2 other Asian people at their hotel and then we travelled for about 80kms. When we arrived at our half way destination, they had to let some of the air from the tyres to travel on the sand. After about 10 minutes, we were off. “Off” being the operative word.
We went over sand dunes and drove sideways. They really gunned the motors and I was not too amused. Sand flew up and we slid any which way. Sandy sat in the front and Wally, Helen and me sat in the back (with the roll bars) and the other couple sat in the dickie seats in the back. We stopped about ½ way again for a photo shot of the sunset. The dessert is very orange sand and the sunset was lovely. Thank God we had a stop otherwise I would have had to ask him to stop, just for me. I can’t remember the last time I was feeling car sick but today was one. Just an upset tummy but enough for me. We went through a Conservation gate and onto land called the Bedouin campsite located in the heart of the dessert, where we were going to have our BBQ. We saw some gazelles on the way. I think they looked at us and wondered what we were doing there but by now I’m sure they are used to humans.
We arrived at our BBQ site and were welcomed with 2 camels which we could ride for a brief time, Wally & Helen had the 1st camel and Sandy had the 2nd. I would have loved to have a go but didn’t need it with my upset tum. We had refreshing Arabic coffee (Kawa) and dates. We could have soft drinks, tea and water also. You could smoke the Sheesha or ‘Bubbly Hubbly’ which is a typical Arabian experience. It consists of mild and fruity flavours which offer a tingling sensation. Needless to say we didn’t try it. You could have a Henna arm tattoo also.
We sat on cushions on carpet for our tea was a chicken kebab, 2 ?? rissoles and a piece of carrot and a piece of potato. There was a belly dancer after our tea who was not too bad. Another lady and a young girl did some dancing also but they were from the audience.
After all this, we found our driver and came on home. Thankfully we didn’t have to go through the desert again as it was dark and there were no lights.
We came back to a little gap and put more air back into our tyres and then found the highway. The hotel was about 50klms away but the roads are so straight, long and 4 lanes that it didn’t take too long and we were there.
They have a little ‘pub’ attached to the hotel so we went in there and had a beer then went to our beds. The pub is like an Irish Pub, very old and rustic but nice.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Slept on and off last night. Even though it was a big bed, I heard the mobile go off but I didn’t know what time it was. When I finally came too, Sandy was already up and showered. I looked at the mobile and it was a message from my sister. She wanted to know if things were OK as she hadn’t been able to read the blog. I sent back a message to say that we are OK, holidays great and the Internet isn’t possible, at the moment, hopefully we will be able to either get on (for free, where we can attach some photos) in the hotel, or we will find a cafe somewhere in Dubai.
Just amusing ourselves this morning. Re-packing our bags and waiting for our shuttle to the airport.
The shuttle picked us up at 1.15pm. Liz and Kel were down to see us off. They are a really nice couple. It didn’t take too long for us to get to the International Terminal. We checked in our bags and then had a look around while we were waiting. We had a cool drink also.
We ended up going to Terminal A09 to wait for our flight. There were quite alot of people waiting. Finally we were allowed to board. We had row 35, seats D,E,F & G. It started to rain while we were waiting on the tarmac with lightning. The flight was nearly 50 minutes late getting off the ground. We should have taken off at 4.40pm but we didn’t go until 5.25pm.
It is 3276klms or 2034 miles from Athens to Dubai and should take about 4 hrs. It was 37 degrees in Dubai and their time is 1 hour more than Greece and 6 hours more than Australia.
We arrived in Dubai (and boy was it hot!!!) at 9.35pm (Dubai time). We found customs and got our passports stamped and went to find our luggage on carousel 5.
Got our bags and headed for a taxi to take us to our hotel. The Crown Plaza in Festival City. The hotel is close to the airport and it only took 10min to get there. We checked in and hit the beds. The rooms are lovely and big and from what we can see, they overlook the creek and amusement park, I think.

Sunday 5 September 2010

It is raining this morning, just fine rain but enough to wet you. We have had our breakfast and re-packing our bags. Where do we get all the extras that we have to pack? Maybe gifts for those back home!!!
Andrew and Simon sent a text for ‘Happy Father’s Day’ to their Dad. I forgot, so I must be having a good time to not remember.
We were picked up at 11.45 to go to the ship, Crystal Louis. It is moored at the port and the bus that takes us there is similar to the one we have been travelling in for the past 2 weeks.
We arrive at the port and meet our Tour Guide, Barbara. She gives us the information that we will need to board the ship.
On board we are taken to our cabin but not before we hand over our passports. The ship will keep them for embarkation and disembarkation at each port. Apparently it makes it much easier for the crew to hand in all passports of those getting on & off the ship. I remember when we had to hand over our passports on our very 1st trip, I wasn’t too impressed doing this but it is the done thing.
We had a quick look around the ship and then we had to ‘muster’ in the lounge for our life/safety drill. We had to get our life jackets from our room and they showed us how to put them on etc.
We came back to our cabin to get ready for meet the Captain and have cocktails with him. They had champagne, white wine, cocktails, nibbles and water. We had our photo taken with the Captain (who was younger than I thought he would be) and then the Captain introduced us to his senior staff on the ship.
We came on down after this and had our dinner. There were 10 of us at the table. Wally & Helen, Helen & Brian, Kel & Liz, Anne & Tony and Sandy & me. The people were on our Turkey tour also and we had made friends with them. We had a nice meal (sit down meal which you could pick entree, main and dessert) but I think 8 would be enough on a table. They gave us iced water from a jug (which was free) but if you opened the bottle water on the table you had to pay for it. Anyway, it is only for dinner and only for 5 more nights.
Anything you have is in Euros and you pay at the end of the cruise. It can be quite expensive. E.g. Safe in your room is 20e & if you lose your key it is 100e fine; bingo is 5e for 2 games; beer is 4e; there really is nothing that is free.
Went back to Wally and Helen’s cabin (which is next to our cabin) for a bottle of wine to celebrate our ship cruise. Thank God there is only 1 bottle as it wasn’t crash hot. After the 2nd glass it was starting to go down a bit smoother.
The cabin is really good. We have 2 single bed, a wardrobe and ½ wardrobe, shelving, lounge and round table, a shower/toilet and TV. It is clean and that is all you can ask. There are a few of our people from our tour complaining about their cabins. We have been lucky as we think we have been upgraded as the ones complaining have double bunks, ½ wardrobe, no lounge or table and an old TV (where we have a flat screen even if you can’t understand much of the language). I think they are going to take their matter further but (I know nothing).
We came to bed and all we could hear was the noise of the ship’s engine. After about ½ hour you didn’t mind the noise and we slept soundly.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Not a great deal happening today – we have another early start as we are going to the Grand Bazaar, a major tourist shopping area; the Blue Mosque; Haghia Sophia and the Topkapi Palace.
We went to the Grand Bazaar first. The bus dropped us off at Gate 1 and this was where we had to meet it again in 1-1/2 hours. The Bazaar was huge but some of the vendors were not prepared to haggle. We were told if they said a price (in lire), you halved it to see what they would say. They usually added a bit more and then you could say your price. If OK, not a problem. If not, we walked away. The prices are very steep on some of these articles.
We came back to the bus and travelled to the 17th century Blue Mosque, which is a magnificent museum, and from there we walked as the bus couldn’t get through the ‘roads’. The roads are just narrow pebble stone walkways, not enough room for a car let alone a bus. Our bus drive, Kurter, could drive a bus anywhere; he is just great and does a superb job.
We also visited Haghia Sophia, a former cathedral which they are re-constructing but another which will not be finished in our day or our children’s days. It will take for-ever. This is one of the marvels of the World architecture.
In the afternoon we went to the Topkapi Palace, a walled city perches above the Bosphorous and the Golden Horn. It was also the home of Turkish Sultans for 400 years, and also where you can see the Treasury and beautiful Porcelain collections.
The view from the top of the Palace was magnificent. Your could look over the ocean to where the cargo ships were waiting to go into port and the cruise ships were coming in. It also overlooks the city of Istanbul. It was something.
Back to the hotel Conrad where we had another stay tonight. We said good-bye to Daghan and Kurter. They were both such good value and I would recommend our Tour Guide to any Insight tour. He was brilliant.
We ended up going for dinner with 10 other people who are also going on the cruise to the Greek Islands tomorrow. We should have done a dinner at the start of the tour as we could have met more people instead of having to do it on the bus as we were travelling.
We don’t have a wake-up call tomorrow, bags out or on the bus time. We have to leave the hotel and meet in the foyer for 12.
Hopefully we can write more on the ship but if not I will cut and paste in Word and send when it is available.

Friday 3 September 2010

Ooops missed a few days
Had all the usual done before we boarded the bus at 7.30am – still early departure but we need to leave early so as to get there before all the other tours.
It is a beautiful day, cool and crisp but should imagine that the sun will shine later.
We headed for the car ferry to take us across the Dardanelle Straits to Eceabat. We drove then to the scenes of fighting during World War 1 in Anzac Cove. We had our talk at the spot where they have the Dawn Service, by the water.
We then walked along the shoreline to where the sailors who lost their lives were buried. We got a stone off the beach (which probably we shouldn’t have) but....
It was a most impressive and moving place. We then went onto the Lone Pine Cemetery.
We found the grave of Ian’s (next door neighbour) uncle who he wanted us to take a photo of – apparently he was killed during the War and Ian needed the photo to do his family tree - it was very moving in the cemetery – so many young soldiers and sailors who lost their lives during the War. They were as young as 16/17 and as ‘old’ as 44 – this was some of the ages that we saw - we took heaps of photos so hope they come out OK.
We saw more grave sites and then the Turkish Monument. The statue of the Turkish soldier was enormous. The cemetery was large and was well looked after. Gelibolu is Turkish for Gallipoli.
Back on the bus and we drive to our lunch destination. It is 11.25am, only 27 degrees and the sun is starting to shine.
We have 360kms to drive today so going to be a long day.
Friday 10 September 2010
Well, after sailing all night we came into the city of Athens. It is very hot too.
We had to have our breakfast from 5.45am and had to leave the ship by 7am. It was a very early start and as I’m not a morning person............
We had to pack our 2 large bags last night and leave them outside by midnight for pick up. Also had to tie a coloured crepe paper on so it could be seen as one from Insight.
We got ready to have breakfast and Sandy asked if I had the tickets. Nope!!! He didn’t either. Panic set in “again”. We went all through the room (which is not that big), back packs and turned down the beds. Nowhere to be seen. Sandy was white and I was nearly ready to cry. We didn’t know where else to look. Sandy then lifted his bed and nothing, then mine and there was a little white strap hanging down (from the bed) and when I put my hand under the bed, here was the zippered leather compartment where our tickets were. S... happens but should happen to others, not us. Sandy said that was our punishment for having Wally’s passport. We had our breakfast and took our back packs with us so as not to come back to the room and the staff could start to get our room ready for the next lot of passengers. After breakfast I ended up going back to my room to finish off and they had started to clean up already.
We all had to meet in the theatre room and wait for our call to board our bus for the arrival hall. This call didn’t come until about 8.15 and the Indians were getting restless. Wally had the s...s with the world and wouldn’t wait for the lifts or walk up 4 flights of stairs to our meeting point so he & Helen disembarked on their own and waited for us on the pier!!!!!!
We went to the arrival hall to get our suitcases and here 4 other ships had docked and it was unorganized chaos. There must have been over 2000 people all trying to get their bags and trying to find their bus to go to ‘where ever’. There was no Customs or Quarantine . We finally got to our bus to go to the Marriott hotel where we are staying tonight and our pickup is tomorrow at 1.15 for the airport to go to Dubai.
Our room wasn’t ready this morning but we were allowed to put our bags in a locked room until we came back.
We went to the town by shuttle bus (2e each into town and free on the way back) from the hotel. We then got a ‘hop on/hop off’ bus to travel around the town. There are 3 buses doing the rounds so you have to make sure you get on the right bus. Usually the drivers tell you to get on another bus. It cost 15e each for 2 days and you could get on and off when you wanted. The trip all round lasts 90 minutes, which we did and then decided where we wanted to get off. Kel, Liz, Wally, Helen, Sandy and me did this all together. After going the round trip, we got off at the Acropolis. What a place. You can read all you like about this in magazines but to actually see it in real life it just something. It was so large and the marble on the columns and roads was breathtaking. Even got a stone but ‘nobody knows’. You can see for miles in any direction and the scenery is just awesome. We spent about an hour there then we came back to get on the bus again. Helen got off the bus at the Library as she wanted to see it but nobody else wanted to go. We came into the town and walked to the pickup point for the bus. We just missed it by 5 minutes and we had to wait nearly an hour for it to come back again. It was so very hot and we were tired.
Finally we got the bus and came back to the hotel. We checked in and had to produce the famous passports. Poor Wally didn’t have his ‘again’ as Helen had it in her bag. She ended up getting a taxi back to the hotel (cost 4.50e) and lo and behold, the driver had a brother who lived in Port Kembla and a sister who lived in Hurstville. Small world. We ended up on the pool deck where Kel and Sandy had a swim and we had a drink also.
We ended up going next door for our tea as we weren’t all that hungry. John & Lyn joined us and then Neville & Rhonda came in. We had a good time and Kel & Liz came back with us to Wally & Helen’s room for a bottle of wine as this was our last night. Kel & Liz go to Singapore on Monday and they go home to Newcastle on Thursday. Liz works at Lake Macquarie Yacht Club. We can keep in touch as Kel has an email address.
Liz loves shopping and Kel just shakes his head, same as Wally.
We went to bed in a huge king size bed and hopefully we won’t move.
Thursday 9 September 2010
Still haven’t got onto the Internet. It is so expensive. Only 25e for 1 hour and no guarantee that you can log in and there is no refund if you can’t. I am still writing this as a word document and ‘when’ we can get onto the net I will cut and paste the previous days. Hopefully when we get to Dubai.
This morning started with our breakfast and it is going to be a long day. We sail to Crete and then this afternoon we will dock at Santorini.
I will write more when we do what is on the cards.
Well, we arrived in Crete, the town of Agios Nicolaos. It is 7am and we leave again about 11am to go to Santorini.
Crete is the 5th largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, extending about 160 miles from east to west and from 6 – 35 miles in breadth. It is a small town which for many years has attracted many visitors. It is in the heart of the Bay of Mirabello. The water is so blue and very, very clear. It is also the place where tourism first started in Crete.
I bought a nice brown leather handbag, sandals and Sandy got a wallet (without the moths!!!!!). As we didn’t have a great deal of time here, we headed back to the ship, ready for sailing.
It is very smooth sailing to Santorini. After we had our lunch we just amused ourselves on the ship until it was time to disembark into Santorini.
We did our own thing on Santorini. It is about 29sq miles in area. Their principle products are wine, fruit, olive oil, wheat and tobacco. We ended up going with Kel & Liz and we had such a good time. We had to go ashore by tender boats as the ship could only go to within 15 minutes of the shore. Santorini is a most beautiful town. It is perched high on a hill and all of the ‘houses’ are painted white with blue trim eg doors, window frames etc.
The views are just something to behold. We went up to the top of the old town by cable car – 4e per person each way. I don’t know whether I was that keen on it but it beats either going by donkey or walking.
We did some more shopping there and Sandy bought me a beautiful small glass perfume decanter. I remember Sandy’s Dad bought his Mum one every town or city that they went to on their overseas trips. She had quite a collection of them and they were beautiful.
We stopped at a cafe and had a drink and the view was just spectacular. You could see forever and I think I could have 2 weeks there without any trouble, just doing nothing and having a relaxing time. Time to get back on the ship. We had to be back by 8 as the ship was sailing to Piraeus in Greece, 131 nautical miles away.
Between 8 – 10pm we had to settle our accounts (which didn’t worry us as we had a credit card) and pick up our passports. When they took our passports they gave us a receipt for each one and you had to present the receipt to get the passport.
Wally and Helen still weren’t back on the ship as they did the excursion. Sandy got our passports and everything was fine. I was glad to have it back in my possession. (I thought).
We hung around waiting for Wally & Helen. We sat on the top deck with Liz & Kel in the shade and had a drink. It was so peaceful and Liz decided to go and get their passports. She came back with a look of concern on her face. Wally was down at Reception (where we were to get our passports) and they had lost Wally’s passport. Helen had hers and all hell was breaking loose.
Well, from one extreme to another, Sandy went down to see if he could help. Wally was not amused and neither would I be. The steam was coming from both ears, mouth and any other opening he had. He came back to his room and the staff said that they would contact him by 10pm. He was not a happy chappie.
We waited until about 10 and we had a knock on our cabin door. Here was a very pleasant staff lady who asked if we had our passports (Wally & Helen were in the cabin next to our, by the way). I showed her mine and she asked who had collected them. I said Sandy (he was in the shower) and she asked to see his. I gave this to her and oh! s..., he had Wally’s passport. Needless to say that it was Sandy’s that was missing. Thank God the staff lady had Sandy’s in her pocket. Well, what else can you say after that. She asked me to accompany her to Wally’s cabin. She must have apologised 10 times to Wally but he wasn’t buying it until he was told where his passport was. After all was settled down we opened a few beers and everybody seemed to calm down.
We all went to bed exhausted but happy that all was found.
Wednesday 8 September 2010
We were sailing towards Rhodes last night and we should be there by 7am today.
Only 7 more sleeps until we are home. Who is counting? Me.
We didn’t do the shore excursion as we thought we would do our own thing.
Rhodes, the most popular resort in the Mediterranean, is the most beautiful. It is also the best known of the Dodecanese Island, is rich with natural beauty, architectural variety and bears the signs of a colourful history. Hillsides greet the visitor with extravagant displays of rock roses – it is known as “The Island of Roses”. It had natural surroundings (crystal clear seas, many parks and recreational facilities), the bright sun and the warm hospitality of the islanders themselves. The city of Rhodes is one of the most architecturally varied cities in all of Europe.
We have spent the morning just sightseeing and shopping. The old part of the town is so wonderful. We met Liz and Kel and continued with them exploring the shops and alleyways.
Did some shopping where were bought a white shirt of each of us.
It is sooooo hot. We came back to the ship and had our lunch and a long talk and a good laugh. After a few drinks Liz decided that she wanted to go shopping again. Kel said, “good ahead & hope you have got your key”. And off she went.
We came back to our room and had a quiet afternoon as it is now 3.15pm.
We leave at 6pm this afternoon for Agios Nicolaos, Crete, a distance of 146 nautical miles. In the meantime, we have a Cocktail Party at 6.00pm before we have our dinner.
Tuesday 7 September 2010
It is sunny again this morning. There is a non-excursion into Patmos this morning but I said last night that I didn’t want to go.
Patmos has been a place of pilgrimage ever since the discovery that this small, rocky island is where St.John the Divine is said to have dictated the text of “Revelations” to his pupil Prochoros in AD95. In AD1088 the monk Christodoulos Latrenos founded a great, fortified monastery in honour of St. John and it has a place of scholarship and religious enlightenment every since.
Sandy got up and had his coffee and then said he was going with Kel & Liz. He left and I got up and went to have my breakfast. I came back and did a bit of washing and then went up onto the 8th deck to read.
The excursion people left at 7am to go to the Monastery of St. John and the Grotto.
They had to be back on board by 11am as we were sailing to Kusadasi, which is 48 nautical miles.
We had our lunch and then just hung around waiting for our time to go. Sat in the cabin for a while and did some sewing and then Wally & Helen came in for a drink before we left.
The ship docked at Kusadasi about 3 and we left about 3.30 to go into the town. It was a short walk and it was hot but the cool wind kept it cooler. We have to be back on board for 9pm as we set sail for Rhodes, a distance of 140 nautical miles.
We did some shopping and had an ice cream. We came back to the ship by 5.45 and our dinner is down for 7 in the restaurant.
Monday 6 September 2010
Today is sunny and we are exploring around the ship further. We are going to Mykonos this afternoon so will amuse ourselves on the ship for the morning. We are still sailing and should dock at 2.30pm.
We played Trivia in the lounge and had a good laugh. Ended came equal 1st with 7 other teams. Some people disputed answers but it was all in good fun.
We sat with Kel, Liz, Wally & Helen, and when it was time to go, we realised we were in the wrong place. Sandy went to the theatre to see where we should have been and the crowd were just leaving. When I went to follow him I couldn’t find him anywhere. Lost the old boy in the crowd. I knew he was somewhere around but I ended up with Anne and Tony. Sandy was with Wally & Helen. Finally met up with him in time to get on the bus. Thought I had lost him, but then again!!!!! We left the ship at 3pm and did our own thing. We didn’t do the optional excursion; we thought we would see what we wanted to see. The excursion was 48e each. The excursion was called Delos Apollo Sanctuary.
We went by ‘tender’ bus to the island. We had a terrific time on Mykonos. We went with some of the others and walked around Mykonos. It is a beautiful island. It is one of the smallest of the Cycladic group. It is only 10 miles long and 7 miles wide. Its 2 highest peaks, both names Profitis Ilias are less than 1197 feet above sea level. It is very much a holiday spot and very expensive.
The houses on the hillside are all painted white and most have blue doors and windows. The walkways are pebbled and really only motor scooters can get through. We saw quite a lot of Smart cars which explains why they are small and narrow (they fit through the alleyways). Helen was impressed with these as she has one also. They came in all colours and some ere 4 seats, Helen’s only has 2.
We stopped at the wind mills on top of the hill. . It was so windy. It nearly blew me away. There were 4 with tops on and 1 that didn’t have a top. They were tied down and not working; maybe it was too windy for them too.
We walked back down and found a nice cafe/restaurant and had a drink. The guy (Wally’s cousin) said to come back at 7.30pm and see the sunset. It is something to see.
We walked further around the island and when it was time to come back to the bus for our transfer to the ship (the buses leave every ½ hour), the sun was setting and we got some fantastic photos from the bus and also when we got back to the ship.
Came back and went to bed, exhausted. Maybe from walking, maybe from being tired.
We had to go to level 8 for our tea as it was close to 8.30. Sat with Kel, Liz, Wally & Helen and had our tea then we went to bed and hit the bed, running. We were so tired. The fresh air on land, really tires you out.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday 2 September 2010

Up early this morning to get organised. We were leaving at 7.30am. Didn't sleep too much tonight as every hour we were awake in case we slept in.

We are on our way to Pergamon today. We travelled 350kms today.

We stopped in Pergamon and saw the impressive site of an ancient kingdom. We visited the Acropolis, the temple of Athena and the site of the famous library then went saw the Red Courtyard. We also saw the great theatre and the Temple of Trajan.

We stopped for lunch and once of Draghan's "cousins" and it was really nice. He has so many "cousins/Uncles/family that we don't know whether they are real relations or not.

We then went to see the Asclepion, the ancient centre for healing, saw the temple of Telesphor.

After drive for quite a long way we stopped at Homer's Troy. We walked for quite a way looking at all the ruins. They are so well preserved. We saw the ruins of 9 cities built on top of each other and an enormous reconstruction of the famous wooden horse. Sandy took my photo in the wooden horse.

Came onto our hotel on Canakkale, hotel Kolin.

Had our tea and a beer with Waly & Helen then into bed as another early start tomorrow.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

As usual, wake up call, bags out, breakfast and on the bus to Izmir.
It is 115kms away, about 2 hours. Not long to drive but lots to see.
We went to visit the ruins of Ephesus, the largest Roman ruin in the world and one of the world's finest archaeological sites.
We saw the Trajan Fountain, the main street which is called Curetes Street, the Library of Selsius and the Amphitheatre. The remains are so preserved and they are working on more restorations of the ruins. It will take many years and I don't think the archaeologists doing this now will be around in many years time to complete it.
The Amphitheatre is still being used today for concerts with the likes of Elton John & Rod Stewart etc.
It is overcast now and looks like rain. We have our wet weather tops with us but hopefully we won't need them.
We have taken heaps of photos and it is now starting to sprinkle.
We had to put on our spray jackets and you know what happened, it stopped raining. Typical!!
We saw the temple of Artemis where the statue of the Great Mother of Artemis is on display. We also visited the House of Virgin Mary. You weren't allowed to take photos in there but we lit 2 candles, 1 for Kerry and 1 of me.
Coming out, there were people placing messages of wishes on the wall. You write your wish and place it on the wall wrapped in tissue. I have never seen this done before.
It is now 29 degrees and getting hot now the rain has stopped. The sun is shining and getting hot.
Stopped in the town of Celcuk for our lunch. We went to a typical family restaurant where we had home made food. It was just wonderful. The had a yard full of olive trees and grapes hanging on the pergolas.
We then went to a leather factory after lunch. They had a fashion parade of their leather which was really nice but very expensive.
It is now 33 degrees and very hot.
We travelled to our hotel in Izmir, hotel Hilton. Not too bad but as we have an early tomorrow, into bed.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Wake up call and me waking up were at the same time, 6.30am. Bags are out and on our way to breakfast. The hotel is not what we are used to on this trip. It was different. We are used to 5 star accommodation but this was, maybe a 3-1/2. Anyway, the bed was clean and the food 'not bad'.

We are going to Kusadasi today. That is where we are staying tonight.

It is a long way on the bus. About 270kms.

We drive to Geyre to visit the ruin of Aphrodisias, possibly the most interesting current Roman excavation in the world. It was an incredible place. If we had there remains in Australia, I'm sure the graffiti artists would have painted them by now. The stadium was awesome. We saw the theatre and the temple of Aphrodite. Sandy found a stone on the ground near the ruins which, I hope, we can get back to Australia.

It is very hot again here today and not much happened other than the above. Most of it was sitting in the bus which can become quite monotonous.

We stopped at Anatolia Restaurant where they showed us what we could have for lunch. On ordering, they bought out the different meals. It was really nice. Sandy & I had meat pitta which was yummy. There was a guy playing a traditional guitar with a live bird sitting on the guitar flapping its wings to the beat of the music.

We then followed the Meander River valley to our beautiful 5 star hotel.

Came onto our hotel by 3.30 and we have room 2201. Out hotel looks on to the Aegean Sea. It is very much like Capri. Very holiday makers paradise. We had a swim in the Aegean Sea which had pebbles instead of sand and the bottom of the sea had small & large rocks which I'm not sure about as there was 'seaweed' on the rocks and I wasn't too sure of this. Came out and had a shower then went into the bigger pool. It was so nice and fresh. Stayed in there for about an hour just swimming and talking to others.

Had tea with Wally and Helen and hit the bed. We have an early start tomorrow.

Monday 30 August 2010

Wake up call @ 7.30, bags out 8, breakfast had @ 7 & on the bus by 9.

We are on our way to Pamukkale which is about 260kms away and we have to cross the Taurus Mountains. They are covered with Pine forests.
Pamukkale means "Cotton Castle" in Turkish. We visited the white limestone terraces of Pamukkale, saw the glistening pools and cascades.
I didn't have much to do on the bus so I thought I would see what photos I had taken. Going through them I then decided to check different things. Guess what I did!!! Unbeknown to me I accidentally formatted and lost ALL photos that had been taken since day 1 when the limo picked us up from home. I was not happy, to say the least. I didn't realise what I had done until "No Pictures Available" sign came up. I had to ask the old boy what this meant and he told me. We have had a few problems with cameras on this trip but these were burnt out/lost/whatever but not formatted.
When I told Dan what had happened he said he could bring them back. He will take my 'chip' to Canada and then send it back to me. Sandy gave me another 'chip' to keep m going.
The pools are made of Sodium Sulphate and the lake is 210cm deep and 41klm long. It is just like snow. There were lots of people there. Most had bathers on. Sandy said to look at a girl's thong. "Not on her feet", he said. The bottom part of her bikini was a thong at the back. Takes all types!!!!
We arrived at our hotel at 4.30. We had a swim in the 2 thermal pools, 1 was warm and the other was hot. Ended up in the ordinary pool and it was great. It is so hot here today.
Had a shower and after tea there was a belly dancer at 9.30. We didn't wait for this as we ended up hitting the bed.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday 29 August 2010

Well, today we have a rest day and I think we have earned it. I know I need it. We have an optional sea cruise on the Mediterranean Sea or do our own thing. Most of the people wanted to do the cruise.
We left the hotel at 10 after a leisurely few hours.
Arrived down at the boat and boarded. We went upstairs and some people stayed down below. It was a beautiful morning and it was starting to get hot already.
We saw lots of people swimming along the way, the water was so clear and very blue. Saw waterfalls and other boats sailing around. There were also para sailing going on, about 5 were out there behind speed boats. What a way to go.
We stopped to have our swim. They put out the ladder and we jumped in. The water was absolutely beautiful and so blue. It was warm in some parts and cooler in others. They threw us some donuts to float with. It was just wonderful. Now we can say we have swam in the Mediterranean Sea. After about an hour we had to get back on the boat. I think most of us who were swimming could have stayed longer. Darghan (Tour Guide) sprayed some of us with a water hose to get the salt off. Then he told us we could shower down below. I don't think too many showered as the hot sun soon had us dry.
We came back (much to our disappointment) and one of the passengers from the other Insight Tour group (who was with us) had a bout of diarrhoea the past 2 days and collapsed in the sun. Helen, being the good Nursing Sister she is, looked after him until we got back to land. His wife was with him and they left straight away to head back to the hotel by taxi.
We were told that we had to be on the bus by 2 unless we wanted to go sightseeing on our own.
We did some shopping in the bazaar on our way back to the bus and arrived in time for 2pm back to the hotel.
It was so hot. Nearly 38 degrees.
We had some 'cold' drinks with Wally and Helen then they went to see the museum and Sandy and me went down to have a swim in the hotel pool. There were a lot of people swimming and we stayed for about an hour.
It is now 5.15 so we are going to get organised to have our tea. Maybe we will have another swim after tea or might go shopping to the Mall which is about 2 klms away.
Hope it is cooler later in the evening but I doubt it.
Tomorrow is another day and more sightseeing and a long bus trip.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday 28 August 2010

Bags out, had breakfast and it very hot and just 8.30am.
A few people on the bus have upset tummies and feel "off".We are on our way to Antalya.
We crossed over the Taurus Mountains, the highest peak being 1825 metres high. They were dotted with Cedar and Cyprus pines.
Stopped for lunch about 11.30 and we had Turkish Pancakes, freshly made by 2 'old' ladies and they were just wonderful. We thought 1 would be shared by 2 but we ended up eating 1 each. You could have cheese and spinach or cheese, spinach and meat. The pastry when rolled was so thin you could almost see through it. One lady made the pastry and the other filled and cooked it. On the bus again to Aspendos. It is very hot, just on 36 degrees.
We saw the Roman Theatre which was so well preserved. Helen and I walked to the top and Sandy and Wally walked all around the top. It was magnificent.
The temperature at 3pm is 41 degrees C or in the old reading 111 degrees F. It is so hot.
We then went through the extensive ruins of Perge. They are starting to re-construct the remains. It is a very beautiful place and must have been huge. If you walk to the top you an see the city of Perge. I only walked 3/4 way (a lot of others did too) but some walked to the top. You can still see the chariot ruts in stone. It was too hot to continue walking for me. It is now 42 degrees.
We walked back to the little cafe where we had a welcome 'cold' beer before getting back on the bus.
We are now on our way to our hotel, Sheraton, which is on the Mediterranean Sea, in Antayla.

We stopped to buy some beer and cleaned him out, he must have thought all his christmases had come at once.
We have a room overlooking the ocean (which all on our bus have) and, thank goodness it has air conditioning. Sandy went for a swim in the hotel pool. He said the water was very warm but enjoyable. We went down for dinner and came back to have a beer in our room with Wally & Helen.
Tomorrow is a free day. A cruise has been arranged so we can have a swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Looking forward to this.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday 27 August 2010

The dancing last night was great. They had the traditional dancing, belly dancing and the crowd dancing. Wally was selected to participate and Dan (Canada) was also picked to do belly dancing. He was really good.

The sun is shining today and it is going to be hot. Just 7am, bags are out, had our breakfast and on the bus for 9am.
Got our group photo before we left. Not too bad but I had another taken (at random) and it was a shocker. We bought it anyway. The photo's were 5 lire each.
On the bus. We were further up the back of the bus today. We are on our way to Konya.
Stopped at Zelve Valley for a picture stop.
We stopped at a pottery factory called Vanessa Seramik. It is a family business and was just wonderful. We saw a demonstration of the making of a teapot. Went into another room to watch the daughters/nieces/uncles/cousins etc painting the pottery. Was told about the firing of the pottery once painted. Then we were let loose to buy whatever.
Back on the bus for a 1-1/2 hours to Aksaray. Stopped for lunch on the way. It was a very large roadside cafe and very nice. After lunch we were on our way to Sultanhani (45 minutes away).
It was so cold up the back of the bus. In the end, Dan said we could block off the air by putting the diffusers back in. Did so and made a huge difference.
Passed a Mercedes factory which is the largest in Europe. Saw petrol at over 3TL/l. very expensive compared to what we pay.
We arrived at Sultahani Kervansari which is only a shell of what was there.It was a refuge for the camel trains and was a substantial building.
We arrived in Konya about 3.45pm. Approximately 1 million people live here. We went to Mevlana Museum where we were not allowed to take photos of video of the insides. It was quite impressive. We could leave our shoes on but we had to put plastic shoes over the top. Now we know what Drs in the operating room feel like. We saw the beautiful fluted turquoise dome and also saw models in the kitchen of dervishes.
Back on the bus at 5.
It is so hot here now. Above 35 degrees.
On the bus and on our way to our hotel for the night. We passed the Ince Minaret on our way but didn't get out of the bus. Just took photos from the bus.
We arrived at the Dedeman Hotel. It is far superior to the Dedeman we stayed for the last 2 nights.
Konya is Turkey's most religious city. It was once the home of the mystic sect of Whirling Derviches and the old capital of the Anatolian Seljuk Empire.
Took our laundry over to the Mall where there is a laundry. The poor girl didn't know what hit her. She was Muslim and didn't speak much (if any) English. There were only 4 of us having our washing and drying done. She agreed in the end and we can pick it up at 9.30pm.
Came back and had our tea and Helen and me went over to the Mall (which was across the road) to do some shopping (without Wally & Sandy). Guess what? The shops had closed all except the supermarket as everybody had gone home to have their tea as they are fasting for Ramadan. Wouldn't you know it!!!!!
Ended up coming back to the hotel and just waiting now until we can go back across to pick the washing up at 9.30.
Will close today and write more tomorrow.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday 26 August 2010

We left this morning at 8.15 for our trip to the open air museum at Goreme. It was already warm and hot. Saw where people used to go when the enemy came. They had their homes in caves in the rocks. We saw their church, Dining room, kitchen etc. It was very small and you had to stoop along the way.
Bought some postcards there. They were 13 for 1 Turkish lire. Helen & Brian went halves with me.
We then went on to see the open air museum. The frescoes on the roof and sides were incredible. They have been there for 1000's of years. All the frescoes are very religious. These people have a religion which is similar to our but these are Muslims.
Onto a carpet factory. The carpets are simply beautiful. We saw 5 girls making the carpets, from wool carpet to silk carpet. These 'girls' were so fast at this. Then we went into another room and they spread out heaps of carpets. The 'boss' told us how each was made with how many knots etc. They come in all sizes and all prices. They weren't cheap. I think there were only 4 sold. Once you have paid for them they deliver to your home anywhere in the world and they pay GST, delivery, customs, etc. We had lunch there consisting of Turkish pizzas and a drink.
It is now 31 degrees. We are now on our way to the underground city. 25 minutes away. We walked down to level 8. Some of it was very narrow and very slippery. Level 1 was OK, Level 2 was getting steep and you could return after this level and after Level 3 there was no return. It was good but I don't know how they lived like this.
Then it was 34 degrees at 3.15pm.
Then we went to Zelve Valley. We saw rocks with 'necks' and 'heads'. When the neck finally gets narrow, the head falls off. They were everywhere. You could climb to the top of the valley and view all around. Helen and me and quite a few others didn't do this but we walked around and found lots of caves that had been used.
Back on the bus for 3.30 and back to the hotel. We have until 7 to relax.
Having tea anytime after 7 then we are going to a colourful folklore show in an underground cave consisting of belly dancing, original Turkish dancing and dances from different regions.
Will tell you in tomorrow's blog how this was.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday 25th August 2010

Wake up call at 7; bags out by 7.45; breakfast from 7 and on the bus by 8.45. It is 26 degrees today.
Found out today the bus driver's new baby is due in 39 days time. He is very excited.
We had a good sleep even though they started chanting about 4.30 this morning, only during Ramadam. Once you know what the noise is you just go back to sleep.
Got to visit Anit Kabir, the mausoleum of Ataturk, Turkey's greatest leader in modern times. He was held in great esteem. Also went through the Museum of Independence. It was quite impressive. It is very hot now. Nearly 34 degrees.
We left at 10.30 and drove to the Anadolu Museum. There is so much history in this country. They have their heroes and they worship them even though they have been dead for 100's of years.
We left at 12 for Caccadocia. After 2 hours we stopped for lunch. Just had an ice cream as we had fruit and boiled egg (which we got from breakfast) on the way.
A truck passed us at great speed then other cars followed him and we found out that he had no brakes. We were on the expressway and he weaved his way through traffic until he finally came to rest and when we passed him, his truck was starting to smoke from the engine and into his cabin. I would say he was a very lucky man. Thank God no-one was hurt.
It is now 35 degrees. At 3pm we went onto Hacibektas Veli Museum. I didn't go in as there were tombs (which were empty) and I found a nice spot in the shade with a cool breeze blowing so stayed there.
Back on the bus and onto our hotel in Cappadocia, about 3/4 hour drive. We are staying at the Dedeman Hotel tonight.
We went to see the ceremony of the Whirling Derviches tonight. There were 5 men twirling and they were brilliant. It is a proper ceremony and not a show. Only lasted for 50 minutes and you aren't allowed to take photos during this or clap, not even when it is finished. After this they serve tea which has cinnamon and ginger.
Came on back to the hotel for our buffet tea. Came to the room and we have an early start tomorrow.

Tuesday 24th August 2010

Well, we left this morning at 8.30 after a buffet breakfast. I/we slept like we had never seen a bed before. We just crashed well and truly.
It is 25degrees this morning. We drove for 1/2 hour to the glorious Cumalikizik village. It was about 700 years old. The houses were approximately 120 years old and you had to walk around a cobble stone walk way to get any where.
It was a very old village and had the narrowist walk way. There was hardly any room for a car let alone a walk.
We left there about 10.15 and it was getting hot. Just 28degrees.
Onto lunch at a shopping mall 1-1/4 hours away at Eskisehir. We only had a light lunch as we had nibbled on the way.
Back onto the bus at 1pm for our trip to Gordion, a 2 hour drive away. At Gordion, this is where Alexander the Great cut the famous Gordion Knot. It was a very interesting place.
Also saw "King Midas" mound - carbon dating had resulted in a body older than King Midas and they suspect the mound to be the burial place of his father. When they unearthed King Midas, they sent his bones for testing. Apparently, the story goes that the bones got lost and they only had a head.
There were lots of other mounds but not real. They were made to disguise the real one. We went through to see where he was originally laid to rest.
We went through the museum. It was quite impressive. The 1st squat toilets we have seen. Needless to say I didn't use them.
Back on the bus at 4pm and onto Ankara 30 miles away.
We were given an optional for the Whirling Dervichers. We said we would go. Per person it was $35US; $55 Turkish Lire or $28 Euro. It started at 6.30 or 9.30. Daghan said we would go to the 6.30 session which would only last for 50 minutes.
It was getting warmer, 33degrees.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey over Istanbul. There are approx. 7 million people who live here.
We arrived at our hotel, Hilton at Ankara. Our bus driver is just brilliant. How he gets the bus into tight places is unbelievable. He is worth every bit of recognition.
It was such a long day on the bus. We went to find the shopping mall before tea but walked and not to be found. We end up getting 4 beers and having them in our room before tea with Wally & Helen. Went down for tea and the Puerto Rico basketballers were in the hotel having their tea also. They were so very tall.
Had our tea and went to bed as we were very tired.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday 23rd August 2010

It is sunny today and 28 degrees. We left at 8.30am after having our bags at our door by 6.30 and breakfast at 7.30.
We drove to the waterfront and boarded a cruise ship for a tour along the Bosphorus past Ottoman Palaces old fortresses and mansions.
The houses were just beautiful. Very meditteranean looking but well kept. We saw the President's "house". He was in as his flag was flying. It was such a lovely cruise. We left the cruise ship about 11.30 and came onto the expressway.
The expressways over here are wonderful. Much better than ours. We stopped for lunch at Yalova, about 80kms from Bursa. Istanbul is divided into 2. One side is in Europe and the other is Asia. You can tell the difference as the houses in Turkey are grand and the ones in Asia (on the other side of the road) are run down and neglected. We were on our way back to Bursa.
Han gave us all a blue eye with a bell attached. It was supposed to resemble good luck. It is also called the "eveil eye".
Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, 2nd is Ankara and Ismet is 3rd.
Had lunch at a large supermarket and got some Turkish Delight.
It is really hot here now. We then drove 1-1/4 hours to see the ruins of St. Sophia. It is a beautiful old church that is not used any more. It was built in the 7th century. We left there at 2.40 and drove back to Bursa.
We went into the Grand Mosque where ladies had to cover their heads and we also had to take our shoes off. They were just about to start their 4.45pm prayers so we had to be out by then. The men pray to Mecca on one side and the women pray on the other side of the Mosque. It was just so beautiful and old. We went to the silk markets in Bursa where I purchased some silk scarves.
We then got back on the bus for a short trip to the Green Mosque. We had to do the same here, cover our heads and remove our shoes. They call it the Green Mosque because of the green tiles indside and green was the prophet mohammeds favorite colour. Came on to our hotel. Kervensary Thermal Hotel in Bursa. We arrived about 6.15, got our rooms, had a shower and were in the Restaurant for tea by 7.30.
It was a smorgasboard and it was great. You could have what we wanted.
We have another busy day tomorrow, and as it is now 10pm I will close and write more, hopefully tomorrow.
I haven't written before as the hotel had an internet but was quite expensive. This one tonight has internet and it is free. Needless to say.........

Sunday 22nd August 2010

Our plane to Istanbul left at 11.20am or 5.20 our time. We were due to arrive in Istanbul at 2.30pm or 9.30pm our time. It was 3018 klms or 1874 miles at 15.10 their time. Had the choice Parsley & Mustard Roast Chicken with vegetables or Lamb Machbous with Rice, Triple Chocolate Surprise, tea or coffee and our usual drinks. Another long flight and we finally touched down at 2.40. We were just exhausted when we touched down. We were picked up by the courtesy bus and taken to our hotel. By the time we got to our hotel (Conrad Hotel) we had had enough. The room was beautiful and the bed was huge.
Wally, Helen, Sandy and me had a beer in the Restaurant while waiting for our briefing to start at 6.30pm.
Met our Tour Guide Daghan (who said we could call him Han) and some of the people on our tour. The others weren't due to arrive until later in the night.
We then went back to the Restaurant and just had hamburgers for tea and we all went to bed, so tired.

Saturday 21st August 2010

Well, we are finally on our way. We went to vote this morning then we went to see Sandy’s Mum. Came home and packed my bag. Only half full (or empty) which ever way you want to interpret it.
The limousine came and picked us up at 2.15pm. Laura (Helen’s daughter) came in her car as Jacinta and James (Wally & Helen’s Grandchildren) and Jessica (a friend of Jacinta’s) were in the limo with Wally & Helen. Laura took them back home to Figtree.
We had our bottle on the way & the 2 men had their beers. We got to the airport at 3.30pm. Checked our bags in and got our seats. We had coffee at Jazz at the airport then wandered around to gate 60 for our flight.
The plane was packed. Not a spare seat to be had. We have 4 seats in the middle (well sort off, we had DEF and H ) there was another man in seat G and after a bit of sweet talk he swapped seats with Sandy and we settled in for the flight. There are not many seats behind us. Sandy & Wally have the aisle seats and Helen & me are in the middle. We have 7522kms to Bangkok. It should take about 8.48 hours.
We are now on our way to fly over Katherine. At the moment we have 5.48 hours to Bangkok and 5239kms.
It is now 10pm and we are due in Bangkok at 1am. I don’t think we will sleep much on this flight but I’m sure we will on the next leg to Dubai.
It is such a long flight. We had our tea which was either a choice of Lamb Hotpot with vegetables or Pappardelle Pasta with sautéed mushrooms, Banana Cake, Cheese & Biscuits & tea or coffee (and of course our drinks).
We then settled down for the night, or tried to. It is very hard to sleep on a plane. I think we had about ¾ hour in all. We arrived in Bangkok but we didn’t get off the plane. It was raining and we only had an hour to kill. By the time we had got off (with all our personal belongings) we would have had to go back through and get on the plane again.
You always meet someone no matter where you go. While we were waiting for the plane to take off again, Sandy went for a short walk in the plane and he met Claire Elliott who I used to work with at QBE. Claire was going home to Manchester for 2 weeks to see her parents. Her partner Brad was not with. I ended up going to see her then. She was well but tired like us.
We sat in the same seats again. Some passengers got off and new ones came on board.
It was another long flight. We tried to sleep again but to no avail.
When we got to Dubai, the airport was very busy. We walked around and had a look at things as we had 5 hours to wait until we got our plane again. Ended up having something to eat and then sat around and waited. And waited. And waited. We finally got our flight to Istanbul.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today is the Day

YIPPEE - today is the day we fly. No more sleeps. I have put the last of the washing on the line and by 2 it should be dry. If not Nerri will get what is not dry and put in the laundry. We have already had our breakfast and it is only 7.30am. Sandy has packed his bag and is waiting. It is going to be a long day I think. I wanted to write a little of this blog before we go and vote, then we will go and see Mum. When we come home I only have to pack my bag and then wait for the limousine. It is cold and windy here today so will be desperate to get to Turkey to the warmer weather.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Getting Ready to Go.

Friday 20th August 2010

Only 1 sleep to go. I have been to watch Sophie and Ty in the District Athletics this morning. They did well. They ran in the 100m race and Sophie made the semi finals but Ty didn't. Bulli Public school came 1st in the Junior tunnel ball and 8th in the Seniors. The wind was very cold so when they had finished I came on home. Simon had the day off too and was there also. I will take the boys to meet Stephanie at Appin this afternoon then come home and PACK.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, ‎18 ‎August ‎2010
1:52:28 PM
Only 3 more sleeps to go but who is counting?
New mobile number only for while we are away. 0428 747 920.
When we come home we go back to our normal mobile number 0412 498 078.